Chapter 38 - Say Yes

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Amilee's POV:

That moment of relief that had fallen over us that day didn't last very long. Little by little as Tate and I headed home, the memories of what had just happened kept replaying in my mind. It all seemed like a dream, like it didn't really happen. But then it would suddenly hit me hard like a brick wall...

It really did happen.

We had arrived home and sat in the driveway for a few minutes without talking. The silence wasn't awkward by any means... but it was deafening. We were both so lost in thought, it was hard to figure out what to say or do.

I got so lost in my thoughts that I hadn't even realize that Tate had gotten out of the car and walked around to the passenger side. I jumped slightly and looked over at the large man of mine as he opened my door and studied me. "Lets go inside." his exhausted gruff voice told me. I nodded in reply and took his hand as he held it out to me.

I didn't really need his help to get out of the car, but taking his hand was something I found myself needing. Once I stood up, I looked at his distinct blue eyes.

He needed the touch just as much as I did.

I could see it in his eyes. Those orbs studied me again in silence, while his face expressed a look of frustration. I swallowed hard and quickly broke the contact, turning and shutting the car door. As soon as the car door was shut, I froze as his hands pressed against the car on both sides of me, trapping me. I followed from one of his hands up his arm until my entire body was turned around our eyes met once again. My back now was up against the car door. His eyes showered me with a glimpse of his emotions. Love, fear, hope, and desperation.

Why did he have to look at me so? Why did being with me have to cause him so much trouble? Honestly, a sharp pain entered my heart and shot through my body when I thought about him having to deal with me and my problems the rest of his life. He didn't deserve someone like me, who just put him through all this hell. I know I went through all the trauma of the situation, but they were my problems that would have happened without him. It could have been avoidable for him.

"Talk to me." his deep voice urged as if he knew I was feeling confused.

"Tate..." I spoke softly not sure I could do this right now. I wanted too, but the thought of being without him was too much to bear.

"Don't fight me on this, Lee." he warned. "I know something is wrong, and you need to talk to me about it."

Damn him! I didn't want to do this and cry again. I had cried enough! I hated crying and especially in front of others! Yet I felt the tears already pricking away at my eyes giving off clear warning that there were still fresh tears available. I looked away from him. "I am such a burden to you." I whispered. Then deciding to just get it over with, I finally asked him. "Are you sure you want to be married to someone like me? I'm weak and have so much baggage. I just keep bringing trouble and hell into your life and I-"

"I love you." he cut me off and stated boldly with a tender sound. I shut my eyes tightly as a tear made an escape. Oh god, if he continued, I would come undone. His large hand suddenly made contact with my cheek. He slowly ran his fingers over it, causing me to shiver in happiness, until his hand came and fully cupped my cheek in his palm. Gently he turned my face to look at him. "Open your eyes, love."

"No." I stated like a child.

"Lee. Open your eyes. Please. Look at me."

The desperation in his voice broke me. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with his blue eyes capturing my heart all over again. "Oh Tate. I'm so sorry."

His thumb quickly wiped another tear drop that had escaped. "I hate seeing you hurt. I hate seeing you blame yourself yet again as if you're not good enough. Don't I do that enough for the both of us?" he asked somewhat joking. "This wasn't your fault. Ryan knows that, you know that, and I know that. And I'll be damned if those men who are at fault ruin the only good thing in my life and yours." He told me with a more serious tone. I swallowed hard. His features were becoming more and more stubborn, and more focused.

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