Chapter 4 - Agreement

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Tate's POV:

Ahh, finally peace and quiet. Now I was finally all settled and comfortable in my bed. It had been too long of a day. Hopefully it was going to calm down, and maybe I could figure out something to do about all this in the morning.

I rolled over on my bed and onto my stomach. Positioning my arms under my pillow closed my eyes and quickly felt myself drifting off.

That was until I felt someone climbing into my bed.

I wanted to growl, wanted to kick her out again just for being so disruptive. But I did tell her to sleep there earlier so I guess I didn't have anyone else to blame but myself.

I should have told her to sleep outside.

I held back a chuckle from the thought and stayed still, acting as if I was already asleep. It didn't take long though, for me to frown and grow annoyed as I began to feel something being shoved against me repeatedly. After a few seconds I allowed a low growl to come out and I lifted myself up onto my elbows and glared at her.

"What the hell are you doing!?" I demanded to know. Amilee was on her knees beside me, shoving a huge blanket from my couch against me. It was all rolled up against her hands as she met my gaze with those grey eyes.

"It's a barrier. Don't cross it." she demanded back.

"Why in the world would I cross it?" When I watched her glare at me it all made sense. I allowed a grin grow on my lips. "You really think I want to have sex with you? Sober?"

Her jaw dropped and she looked at me with surprise and unbelief. "I didn't realize you were that much of an asshole." she frowned after collecting herself from her shock. I waited for her to turn and storm off as Brittany always did after she called me an asshole.

But I admit I was surprised when she turned only her head in defiance, but still pulled back the covers and climbed in. Sighing, I just laid back down and closed my eyes again. If she was really that stubborn, she could sleep there, I didn't care. I left the 'barrier' she put in place and just tried to drift off again to sleep.

"Tate?" I heard her soft voice whisper. I groaned lightly.


It was silent for a moment, then I finally heard her voice once again. "Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." She was ridiculous.

"Night, Tate."


Morning came faster than I wanted, but I looked at my alarm clock and saw that I had actually slept in. How long had it been since I slept in till 09:00? I felt pretty good considering I slept in the same bed as Amilee did. I was happy to find that she was a sound sleeper... until she started talking in her sleep.

Ah yes, now I remembered why I felt so annoyed this morning.

I looked over and was surprised to find that Amilee was gone and no where in the bedroom. When had she left? I shook it off. No reason to think about it too much. I lifted myself to the side of the bed and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Standing up I walked straight into my bathroom and shut the door.

I took a quick shower, got myself all clean and ready to for the day and then threw on some comfortable clothes. It was sunday after all, and Ryan had already warned me about coming out to the office. I wasn't going to throw on a suit to wear around the house.

After finishing up I went to head towards the door, when my cell rang. I went to collect it from my dresser and saw that it was actually Ryan calling me. Strange. I swiped my finger.

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