Chapter 12 - First Kiss

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Amilee's POV:

I furrowed my brows as I felt something cold and wet touch my face. What was that? It continued to move and gently touch my forehead. I groaned slightly causing it to stop. I was freezing! My goodness! I didn't want that cold thing on my face!

Then I heard light shifting beside me. Where was I? I felt comfortable and warm except for the cold wet thing. It almost felt like Tate's bed. My head hurt though.

"Amilee?" I heard a deep, scruffy voice ask.


I slowly tried to open my eyes even though they felt heavy and solid. Finally after a moment of blinking and adjusting Tate's form came into view as he hovered over me with his tall, powerful looking body. It almost scared me a first, but I just raised a brow at him. "Am I dead or something?" I asked in barely a whisper. Dang, I felt so weak and tired still.

His lips were pinched tightly together and his blue eyes bore into me with worry. He was worried about me? The thought warmed me a bit more inside. "No. Very much alive, thank god."

Was that... relief in his voice?

"Then why are you hovering over me like a creeper?" I asked a bit jokingly. He quickly straightened and took a step away from me.


I sighed and looked at him. "It's fine, Tate, I was just joking. What happened though?" I quickly glanced down at my own self and realized that I had guessed right, I was back in Tate's bed and tucked under the covers. My eyes went straight back to him.

He still held his worried stare as he stood stiff beside the bed. "I overworked you."

I furrowed my brows and tried to get him to say more. "Overworked me? I hardly doubt that."

His eyes hardened and he crossed his arms. "Don't make light of it, I did exactly that."

I sighed. "I'm not making light of anything, Tate. The last thing I remember was getting ready to leave Anderson Corp."

He sighed himself and ran his hand through his now messy hair. Was it late? What time was it? I watched him reach over to the corner and grab a chair then pulled it up beside me. He sat down and growled at himself. Was he really that distraught? What had gotten into him?

"I overworked you and pushed you to your limit. That's why when we went to leave you stood and fainted on me."

Oh, that made sense. Well, the fainting part and why I couldn't remember too much. Suddenly a few moments of memory came flashing back. Tate yelling my name in a panic, me slowly waking up but just too tired to keep it up. Then big strong arms sliding under me and carrying me. Someone gently and carefully putting me into a car and buckling me in. The sudden question of taking me to the hospital, but me refusing. Then the same happening when the car stopped. The memories were all in and out but I did recall some.

I turned my head and looked at him with a soft look. His overpowering, towering body was sitting there frantic and in doubt. He was acting as if he was so worried about me. That he truly cared about my well being. It was sweet and made me feel that small warmth inside again.

Something I hadn't really felt since I last saw David.

"I remember a bit of it now. You took care of me and brought me back home."

He nodded and averted his eyes. I smiled softly at him and took my arm and carefully reached out to touch his cheek. The neatly trimmed beard tickled my palm as I touched it. Since he was so tall it wasn't hard for me to reach him as he was leaning over his own knees in a slouch position in the chair. He froze and his distinct blue eyes found mine instantly.

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