Chapter 34 - Gone

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Amilee's POV:

"Marry you?" Was I hearing him right?!

My constant pounding of my heart was deafening. The intense loving look that Tate was giving me was drowning me. Where was the air? I felt as if I couldn't breathe... My brain was turned to mush and I found myself unable to comprehend what he just said. If it weren't for his strong arms being around me I would be on the floor in utter shock.

His solid body so confident in what he was asking, his intense distinct blue eyes focused, yet his own throbbing heart was giving away his nervousness under my hands on his chest.

"Yes." he stated. Then surprised me even more when he released me from his arms. I almost lost my balance, but I focused hard to stay standing. I watched Tate's tall, intimidating figure go down to one knee before me. His large hands took mine in his own. His eyes never left mine. "Amilee Lynn Hunt, I love you. Marry me for real this time.."

Short. Simple. No extra fancy words. He was a man of few words, and yet, the impact from his simple display took my breath away. What happened to this god of a man before me? Never could I ever picture Tate getting down on his knee, or ever confessing his love for me in such a bold way. He was always the one that was timid about it, always thinking I deserved better, when in reality he was out of my league.

"D-Do you know what you're asking me, Tate?" I whispered. He kept hold of my hands but rose to his feet yet again to tower over me. I watched him, his stare still holding me captive. "Are you sure you want this? Want me... for your wife?"

"We have been together for almost half a year now, Lee. This entire time, good or bad, we have been thinking and acting as if we were married. The thought of you not being beside me when I wake up every morning is now my worst fear. I... I can't imagine not having you beside me." The love that was pouring out from him held me tightly in an invisible embrace. I didn't want to be away from him either, I just never thought he would want the same! Were my dreams finally coming true?

This wasn't a dream right? I wanted to pinch myself...

"So marry me, Amilee. Say yes." His deep scruffy voice demanded.

"Yes." I whispered in awe. I couldn't believe I was able to actually get the word out, but it came thrashing through my chest straight from my heart. Yes, I wanted to marry him and truly be his wife! I watched his large body freeze and one of those amazing smiles come over his face.


I couldn't help but laughed lightly and smile as well, tears pooling in my eyes. "Yes, Tate. Yes!"

His lips came crashing down on mine taking my breath instantly away. If it wasn't for his strong arms wrapped around my waist my knees would have buckled under me. The love that poured from his lips was overwhelming. Tate pulled back and rested his forehead against my own. We both took a couple deep breaths. "Let's get married in two days."

I laughed, knowing how impatient he could be. "Two days? Why then?" I didn't move away from him.

"I want claim to your name. The sooner the better." He replied. "We can get everything ready tomorrow, then have it the day after."

I was too happy to refuse. "Sounds perfect."


"Why two days?" Ryan's voice echoed through the tailor shop. I stood off to the side and looked at the different colored ties they had while Tate tried on a different tuxedo. Ryan had come along to help pick it out, being his best friend and all. When we had told Ryan first thing this morning, he was happy for us, but had started acting strange.

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