Chapter 40 - Forever and Ever Babe

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Ryan's POV:

Ow. Ugh. This damn pain. I groaned internally as I took a deep breath. It was always such a bitch the first few days after taking one in the vest. Normally it doesn't phase me as much, but it's been a while since I've had to deal with this. Guess I was going soft.

Which meant I needed to get my ass back into the field more often when I'm not at work. Or maybe I should just retire. Decisions, decisions...

Ahh, the perks of working two jobs.

I walked down the hallway that was extra bright. The thousands of metal bars that were covered in cheap paint continued to pass me by. I came to a door at the end of the hall that was locked and sealed. A guard peaked into the small window that was in the middle of it and he nodded at me. A few loud clicks were heard before I waited for him to open the door.

Once he shoved it open I took a step in and passed him. A few more feet down were a few empty cells and that's where I found him.


"Ah, I wondered when you would come to see me." his deep voice boomed and echoed through the cell. "I'd offer you a chair, but as you can tell I can't be a hospitable as I'd like."

"No need, I prefer better company anyways." I replied with. All I got in return was a smirk. Smug bastard. "Let's get to the point. We know your involvement with hundreds of cases across the nation. You tend to make your rounds, huh?" He didn't move or make a reply. His face still stayed in that damn smug smirk. "With this we finally pinned you. You won't be seeing the light of day for a very long time." I explained.

But instead of cowering, which I half expected, he laughed instead. He threw his head back and laughed like I had just told him the funniest joke. I waited to see what he found so funny. Once he calmed he looked me straight in the eye.

"Do you really think that these bars will hold me? Do you really believe I can't function inside these walls?" He was trying to show his power and his connections. Both did little but annoy me. I've dealt with many others that were bigger game than him. Normally I would humor him and make him feel like he actually had a chance. But today, with him, with what he was going to do to Amilee, I had no room for patience.

"I'm sure they will do the job. Considering these aren't the bars that will hold you captive. You're being transferred, Marino. To a very, very special place." I gave him a grin of my own. Understanding flashed in his eyes and he instantly lost his smirk. His face showed panic for a moment before he replaced it with a scowl. "Enjoy your life, however short it is." With that I turned and headed back from where I came.

"You better watch your back, Ryan Scott!" his voice called out, echoing off the walls. "You'll regret ever crossing paths with me!"

For some reason, for only a split second, I found myself believing him. But then I shrugged it off knowing how ridiculous that was. Marino was small game and I've fried bigger fish than him.

Damn bottom feeders.

-Six years later-

X Amilee's POV X

This is it. I felt like I couldn't breathe. My stomach was in knots. I paced back and forth behind the stage curtain as my palms felt sweaty. I rubbed them together to keep myself from messing with my gown. Tate had went through all that trouble to make sure it looked perfect, I couldn't let myself make it all wrinkled over some nerves.

I swallowed hard.

"Anderson!" I looked over to where someone called out my name. I watched as my classmate ran up and smiled at me. His features were handsome. He was younger than me by a few years. His brown eyes twinkled in delight as he smiled. "Are you ready?" he asked me. I felt as if I couldn't speak.

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