Chapter 3- The Arrangement

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Tate's POV:

What kind of stupid, idiotic, shit-filled scam did I get myself into!? My night out at the bar talking to, what I thought was a woman who knew my pain, ended up being a fucking scam artist. And now?! I'm married to her!

"Who are you really!?" I had demanded her to answer earlier this morning. I wasn't someone to be toyed with and I was going to make sure she knew it. Had she never heard of the name 'Tate Anderson' before!?

"I told you already! My name is Amilee Hunt! I'm not some low scam artist! You are! You told me lies to get into my pants! And now look! I have this on my finger!" She held up her ring finger and I saw the simple ring that it was. A plain white gold ring. No large rock, no little diamonds around it. So not something I would ever pick out for my betrothed. She had to be lying!

I hate to admit it but, her tears threw me off. Her distress threw me off. I had a hard time not believing her. She was good at her job, that was for sure. Yet, something inside of me was telling me that she was telling the truth about who she was.

Crazy, I know.

That didn't stop me from collecting her things and throwing her out. Like hell I would sit back and let her take control over me. Not happening.

Now, even though my office was supposed to be closed, I was at work, typing away and making sure everything was up to date and good to go for the next week. I needed to do something to get my mind off of things until I figured out what happened and what I needed to do from here.

The door opened to my office and Ryan stood in the doorway, arms crossing over his chest. He leaned against the frame. "What do you want?"

"Why are you working right now?" he asked me, his brows furrowed.

"Because there are things to be done." I told him, growing bitter. He shouldn't be standing there questioning me. I was his boss, I could do whatever the hell I wanted. "Why are you here!?" I didn't even look up from my work as I questioned him.

"Because you're notorious for working and I wouldn't want you to be working hard the day after your wedding."

My body went stiff. I looked up at him, his face was serious and I felt my stomach sink. He knew!? "You know?"

"About the girl you up and married last night? Of course. I was your best man." A small smirk started to form on his lips. I couldn't believe it!

"You didn't think to stop me!?" I growled, standing to my feet in a rage. "She's a scam artist!"

"Amilee is?" he raised a brow. "I don't think so. I checked into her earlier today. She's clean."

This all didn't make sense. "Explain." was all I demanded. Damn him and his CIA back round. I guess it came in handy for times like this, but that still didn't lighten the blow.

Sighing, he walked over and sat in one of the nice chairs I had set up for clients. Crossing his legs he leaned back and got comfortable. "Last night, we all got trashed. You know that. When you went off and started talking to that woman, you had one too many drinks. Of course, we loved seeing you like that, and we couldn't make smart choices either so we encouraged it. You guys talked for hours upon hours. Finally we had to leave, you guys pulled me aside and said you had some "special" plan. Then I vaguely remember going with you and being a witness to you both eloping."

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