Chapter 30 - Letting Go

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Amilee's POV:

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Reaching over I grabbed my phone from the nightstand Tate gave me beside the bed and hit the power button to check the time again. The bright screen blinded me for a moment before I was able to see the clock reading three AM.

Something was wrong. I didn't know what, but I couldn't calm my worried soul. A feeling of heaviness had been pressed against my chest, and my stomach was in knots. I know I shouldn't be so up tight, but after the way things went earlier, and knowing the time now... I couldn't help it!

Earlier I had run that errand for Ryan. When I came back, he informed me that Tate had left suddenly for a meeting. Ryan ended up taking me home and said that Tate should be back tonight sometime but he didn't know the exact time. I had tried waiting up for him, but I figured he would be home soon. So I made something to eat and put it away just in case, and cleaned a bit, took a shower, even read a little bit. Then I decided to climb into bed and tried to get some rest.

Yet here I was, three hours later and still wide awake.

And alone.

Should I try to call him again? I did earlier, but it went rang twice then went straight to voicemail. Was he avoiding me? Honestly I was just making sure he was okay. I never knew meetings to run this late, and if by chance they did run a little late, he always called me or texted me to let me know.

Now he was ignoring me all together.

I sighed. This was stupid. This damn nagging in the pit of my stomach was just too much. I had to try harder. Lifting the phone to my face I pulled up Tate's number and just about hit it when a small crash was suddenly heard from the kitchen. I sat up and froze. Eyes wide, fear filling my body I waited to see if I could hear any other movement.

Was someone breaking in?... Could it be that man again?

A faint sound of someone cursing traveled into earshot. I quickly but quietly pulled the covers back and threw my legs over the side of the bed. I used my phone as a light as I carefully went to Tate's bedside table and pulled out the loaded gun that he kept in there. He had told me where he kept it in case of an emergency.

Luckily, I did know how to use it.

Now armed just in case, I quietly made my way to the bedroom door and opened it slowly. As soon as there was enough space I slide through, keeping my eyes open and the gun up. My heart was beating a hundred times per minute, but I had to stay calm.

Random shuffling and what sounded like glass being moved around came from the kitchen. I walked down the hallway and got to the edge. Stopping, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, preparing myself. Okay, I needed to look now. I had to see if someone really was breaking in.

Gathering confidence I didn't know I had I peaked around the corner and instantly let out a sigh of relief. I lowered the gun as I saw Tate's large frame standing in front of the sink with his hand under running water. "Tate, what happened?!" I moved towards him, sitting the gun on the counter and coming up to his side. That's when I saw the broken glass and the fact that his hand was bleeding.

"Nothing. I'm fine." His voice came out hard and sharp. I flinched a bit at the sudden harshness. Tate didn't even look at me as he focused on his bleeding hand under the cold water. Shaking it off I reached out to check to see just how bad it was, but he quickly pulled away from me. His blue eyes and glaring features finally looked at me. "I said I was fine." he pressed again.

Stab one to my heart.

My hands came back to rest at the bottom of my shirt. They then began to fiddle with it. Damn my nervous habit.

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