Chapter 11 - Workaholic

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Amilee's POV:

This morning was unexpected. When Tate had said he would give me a job last night, I didn't think he meant the next morning. Tate had woke me up suddenly and way too early for my liking. But he insisted I get up and get dressed for work. I complied, although I did so with less enthusiasm.

My heart still hurt like crazy.

So I dragged my feet in a numb kind of way, but it still didn't take me long to get ready. Then, just as I was about to make something for breakfast, Tate turned around and handed me my purse instead. He had insisted that he take me to breakfast this morning.

It was a nice gesture, I admit, and I did like the fact that I wouldn't have to spend the entire day at his place by myself to wallow in my despair. At least now I would be able to keep busy and hopefully not think about the cracks in my heart.

Tate had taken me to a fancy restaurant, which was fine, but the local Denny's would have suited me just fine. I didn't say anything about his choice though, since I could tell he was just trying to do something nice for me. I just ordered something small to tide me over for a while. No sense in spending too much.

We had spoken little during our breakfast trip, me not being so much of a talker this morning, and Tate didn't push it. It was nice to be respected and cared for, even if was from Tate in an understanding way.

I would make sure I did my very best for him in return.

Now, here we were walking towards his large office on the 26th floor. I swallowed hard. This Corporation was much larger than the one I had been working for under David... and David didn't own it. He was only in charge of things. Tate on the other hand owned all of this. This was his company, bearing his name on it.

And my name.

The difference was stunning. This floor was practically a large conference room on one side, a large office out in the open for Ryan, Tate's assistant, and then of course, Tate's office. All the smaller offices of his were all the floors below him.

Tate's floor actually reminded me of him. Large. Intimidating.

I looked around the space and took in the lighter walls and random décor. The floor was carpet and a nice shade of grey. It made things look inviting despite the intimidating offices. Overall, I liked it, though I did feel a bit insecure. Could I actually go from a good, but smaller company to the large extravagant Corporation like this!?

My eyes roamed around and stopped when I caught sight of Tate's door. His name displayed in large bold print.

Tate Anderson

The way the name was present surprisingly gave me a proud feeling, just knowing that I bore the same name as the man on the door. It was silly, really.

"Good Morning, Tate." A confident voice spoke, greeting Tate as he walked towards the large desk that stood off to the side of his office.

"Morning, Ryan."

I walked up as well, catching his attention. His green eyes gleamed instantly as he saw me and his flashed me a bright smile as he rose and walked around his desk to stand before me. His blonde hair was styled just like Tate's. Slicked back with gel. He wore a nice black suit, also like Tate did. It fit him very well and made him come across as a very handsome man. He was a stronger build, but nothing like Tate.

More my type.

I smiled and blushed slightly as he reached down and took my hand, bringing it too his smiling lips and kissing the back of it softly. "Good morning, Mrs. Anderson."

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