Whatever it Takes

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There was nothing left to salvage. The absorption was complete.

Boboiboy held his upper body up by his shaking arms, staring at his motionless friends in agony and grief. They were all embedded deep in the digital blue crystal, wires circling their bodies as they were now part of the machine and it was a part of them.

"Your friends are defeated," the villain paraded. "Soon, you will join them."

The elemental manipulator fought back tears. He'd always thought that they would be able to face any villain together as one. But now… without his powers, he was useless. Even so, his friends gave their lives to save his patethic one.

Now here he was, unable to save his friends. Not in this state. Each and every one of his powers were gone, even his Reverse form. He'd always dreaded its presence, but he would give anything to bring out the psychopathic side of himself.

"Surrender, hero." Seven blue crystals sprouted from the ground, surrounding Boboiboy. They were glowing faintly, their vampiric properties leeching out to him.

There was no hope left. He had no surprises he could pull off. No more last resorts. This was the end.

He only had one thing left to give.

"Damn you," Boboiboy cursed. The crystals around him rose to his height. As they spiralled him, they grew wider, forming panels that formed into a crystal cocoon, trapping him inside permanently.

The villain cackled in triumph, his victory secured.

Then the lacrima holding the rest of the team exploded. A shadow dragon burst into the villain's control room, its riders itching to avenge their lost battle. The villain was enveloped by a pink aura and he was thrown into a wall. His failsafe computers were transformed into dust. A blue crest appeared on the wall, promptly followed by the villain aging into his nineties.

Now old and withered, the villain attempted to flee. A shadow panther jumped him, pinning him to the ground.

He was beaten.

"Free our friends," Fang instructed his team. "I'll look for Boboiboy."

They leapt into action. As his friends focused through mechanics, Fang bolted towards their previous location. It was cold and lifeless due to the villain's defeat.

There was a body on the ground.

"No," Fang whispered. He ran and knelt by his side. "No, no, no… what happened?"

He turned his friend's body around. His skin was losing its warmth. Other than scratches and bruises, there was no sign of fatal injuries. He couldn't see any symptoms of internal bleeding, either.

He pressed his ear against his chest. There was no heartbeat. He wasn't breathing. Even long before Fang accepted the fact that Boboiboy was dead, tears had streamed from his eyes before him realizing any of it.

"H—how—" Fang choked, hunching over in grief. Warm tears fell on Boboiboy's shirt.

He'd never cried before. He'd always hid it and pushed it aside. But this… was too much for him to accept. His first ever friend was dead.

He screamed into the empty room. Out of grief and anger, he punched the floor next to him, the crash of metal echoing in the void of space.

So BBB died because he allowed himself to be absorbed into the system. If he remained dormant like his friends, the worst he would face was a coma. But he pushed it and forced himself into the mastermind's systems, destroying himselfbin thr process. It basically forced his mind to shut down permanently, which led to his body to shut down as well.

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