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"No, Mama. Don't go, don't leave me too," I cried as I grabbed her hand from my chair next to her hospital bed. Dad and mom were attacked and hurt earlier, while I was at school. The police do not know who did it, why, or how.

Dad was D.O.A. on scene but Mom was in critical condition. I over heard the doctors say she won't make it through the night. Why them? How could this have happened?

"T - Tyrian, please come here. I - I have to tell you something important," she mumbled and I looked up at her barely conscious face. Standing I leaned in cloaer to hear her next words. "This - This may be hard to believe, but - But magic is real. Your father - he and I - we belong to one of a few magical groups, called a guild," she mumbled weekly. She's loosing grip on reality. There is absolutely no way what she's saying is true. I mean Magic? Guilds?

"I - I'm telling you this because you must know - Know that because of our ties to the guild we were targeted. Targeted because of what we - we know and do," she added taking my hand in her weak cold one.

"Please, Mama. Don't talk, save your strength. You aren't making any sense," I mumbled.

"I - I need you to know that I - I love you dearly and - and that you will always be our son," she mumbled and smiled at me gently.

"What do you mean, Mama? What do you mean by that?" I asked but she didn't answer. Suddenly her monitor made a loud constant beep. And nurses were rushing into the room and pushing me out. "Mama!" I screamed as a police officer held me back. I knew of course what that meant, but I wasn't ready to let her go. I denied it until I heard the words.

"Time of death, 8:43PM," The doctor called out and they all looked very grim and upset. I was just frozen, I was so numb and confused and hurt that I couldn't move.

After that everything moved in a hazy blurr and I was handed off from one person to another. Until a few days later I found myself standing infront of a large building. The man who I ended up with brought me here and asked if I had been told about magic. Then he led me inside once I hesitantly nodded.

It was then I realized Mom hadn't been crazy. Magic really did exist. I saw it with my own eyes as we entered through the front doors. Two kids were fighting, one was throwing fire and the other was breathing wind to nutralize the fire. That's when the man who brought me in interveined using a temporary nulling spell on them both. He soon explained that he was the guild's Master and everyone just called him Captian.

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