Chapter Ten: Decisions

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The next morning Diana came to inform me our runs were cancelled for the time being and when I asked why she only shook her head saying it was Captain's orders. Did something new happen? Why the sudden change of heart? Once I was done getting dressed her and I headed to meet up with the others.

As we entered the dining area I noticed everyone seemed way more chatty and agitated today. I over heard a few of the conversations as we passed by tables. It seems everyone's outside plans were all cancelled too. What is Captain up to? Why now and for what reason?

I introduced Theo to the rest of my friends once she made it to our table. What I didn't expect was what she said once I made it around to Lillyana.

"Well I can tell you like her, huh? I think you'd make an adorable couple," she said studying Lillyana closely. I however took in a surprised breath at her comment and started coughing. Both Noxos and Candice started laughing and Lillyana turned bright red.

I felt bad for my friends prying and making her uncomfortable. That and the fact that I haven't exactly had time to even talk to Lillyana about the other day or apologize. Nor talk to her about my true feelings. How do they all know exactly? Is it really that obvious?

Finnally getting my breath back I shook my head at Theo. She shrugged and sat down with us. Our group was getting big so we already had to pull an extra table over and of course people weren't happy with that either.

"I told you guys already, I - I don't like anyone like that," I lied, again, through my teeth.

Diana shook her head at me with a crazy smile on her face, then said, "Yeah cause that sounded real convincing, even I can tell your lying." To which I rolled my eyes.

Damn it, I want to tell her how I feel without everyone prying. I don't want her finding out about it this way. Why can't they just let it go?

Looking at my watch I sighed and told them I had to get going before I'm late for my training session with The Master. Not touching my food at all I headed out to clear my head before I go to the training grounds. Naxos followed after me and he looked uncharacteristically serious.

"Listen, I know now that you do have a crush on Lillyana. So why the hell are you being so damned difficult and lying about it?" He said putting his hands into his pockets. I sighed and ran my hand through my brown hair which was getting a little too long for me.

"The truth is that I plan to tell her eventually, but I want to be the one to tell her. Everyone is prying into something they should just leave alone. I don't want her to find out that way, not forcefully or from someone else, but from me on my own terms," I said seriously. He thought for a minute and nodded.

"Okay, I will stop meddling in your personal life. I'm sure I can find something else to tease you about anyways," he said with a mischievous smile, threw his hands up in a shrug, and took off. Great what is he up to now?

Swearing I headed towards the training area before I was late. When I arrived at the training area Master Faraday told me not to grab a sword today. We'd be focusing more on hand-to-hand combat this time since my "attacks are still weak." Maybe to him, but I've been actually proud of how much I've improved. Still if there is a chance I could get even better I'll try.

In no time at all he had me on the ground before I could even react. So fast. Man, he really doesn't do anything easy. He helped me back up and we quared off again. Fighting with Master made me realize how lucky I really got when I faced Dustin. If Dustin had gone all out there is no doubt in my mind I wouldn't be here right now.

So why did Dustin hold back? Does he really not want to kill me? Or is his ego that high he thought he'd win without trying? I'm hopping for the former, but with him who knows what he's thinking.

Just as I was thinking about him he walked onto the training ground and shot me a glare before going to the training dummies. At that same moment Master's fist collided with my shoulder and I hit the ground sliding a few feet away. Damn it, I got distracted. Man that hurt like a son of a gun.

"Focus, Tyrian. You're never going to get better if you don't pay attention and try harder," Master said walking over to me to give me a hand up.

"Sorry, Sir. I let myself get distracted," I said and squared off with him again, regaining my fighting stance.

"Is it still bothering you that he's back? Are you afraid of him? I heard as soon as he got back he picked a fight with you. Why do the two of you hate each other so much?" He asked as we started to exchange blows again, him attacking and me dodging and blocking.

"I could care less what he does to me as long as he stays away from my friends. I personally don't have a problem with him, except for the fact that he keeps trying to hurt me. I'm not sure what his deal is," I replied honestly.

All he said was that I should probably at least find that out if I ever want to settle things with Dustin. He then went silent and we continued fighting for a while longer, before he called it a day. Maybe he's right, but how do I do that without pissing Dustin off?

I sat on one of the benches and chugged my water bottle. It was Lunch time and most of the others left. Not feeling too hungry at the moment I chose to linger a bit longer. I watched Dustin - out of the corner of my eye - as he demolished one dummy after another. What is his problem with me?

I told myself it didn't matter to me, but Master's words made me wonder even more than before. No, I should say it made me admit to myself that I do really want to know. It's not like I can just walk up to the guy and ask him right out, but there may not be any other way to find out. What exactly can I do about it even if I know the answer though?

"There you are. The others are waiting in the Dining Hall," Lillyana said sitting next to me. I looked over at her and sighed. "What's with that serious look?" She asked and rest her hand on my shoulder.

"There is no choice is there. I'll have to confront him eventually don't I?" I asked looking back over at Dustin. She looked over too and her breath caught, then she had me look at her.

"Part of me wants you to stay as far away from him as possible, but the other part of me thinks it would be best if you at least try to talk to him about it," she said honestly. "While I have you here and while you're being serious and honest I have a question for you?" She added after a moment.

"What is it? You can ask me anything," I mumbled and then realized I shouldn't have probably said that. What could she possibly want to know? Wait is she going to ask me straight out if I like her?

"The other day, I mean, when you had me against the wall. Well -" she fumbled with her words so I stopped her. I knew what she wanted to know.

"I was in a rush and I realize my actions may have confused you, but I mean it when I say I wasn't leading you on. I really do like you, a lot in fact," I said and sighed. "We'll talk more about this later, I've made up my mind. I have to talk to him sooner, rather than later," I added and stood. She grabbed my hand gently and stood as well, telling me to be careful.

I nodded and made my way over to Dustin. My heart was pounding harder and harder the closer I got, but I tried to keep calm and not show my fear.

I stood off to the side watching him since he didn't seem to want to acknowledge that I was here yet. After a few minutes he turned to me. His dagger eyes glaring deeply at me.

"What do you want, wimp?" He asked looking pissed off as usual.

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