Partie 5

75 7 4

Pdv Jack :

This morning I woke up and get ready for school. When I arrived there I saw Tatiana across the hall. She doesn't know but she makes me smile, when I see her I can't help but smile at her cute little face.

I was walking towards her but all of a sudden a blond curly boy came and talk with her. He is taller than me and he smiles at her, from where I am I can see that she blushes...
Maybe I misunderstood but I had the feeling that she liked me.
Who the hell is this guy to come and talk to her like that ?!

If he wants war we're gonna go war !

For now, I don't want to interrupt her so I just left and go in class.
At lunch time I saw her sitting with a red hair girl, I put my lunch next to her and hugged her from behind lying my head on her shoulder. Even with some questions that I've been asking by her friend the lunch was funny.
After some time Lilou left us, she tooks her things looks and winked at me and left.

Now there 're just Tatiana and me, I smile at her and she blushes but right after that this blondy guy shows up again, pass by us and waved at her. She smiles at him and he after looks at me. I can't help but glared at him. He does exactly the same and make me want to punch him so bad !
I want to yell at him to stay away from my girl but I can't do that in front of her. Actually that's not me ! I'm not the kind of person who yell at people like that.
I'm just gonna ask her like a normal person would do :
- "hum... who's this ?"

Okay... This wasn't the right word but too late I can't hide the fact that I hate him... and I don't even know him !

- "hum... THIS is Theo."
Ouch too late she knows.
- "his he a friend of yours?"
- "kind of yeah... why ?"
She asks me with a big smile.
- "I don't know... because I think he is ugly and not a good company that's all."

At this time, I think everyone heard her laugh ! She looks at me and asks :
- "oh yeah ?! It seems that a little Jacky boy is jealous... mm ?"
Waaa I didn't saw that coming, I smile at her and try to justify myself but anything that I can say wouldn't change her big smile... she knows !
- "maybe but it's because I don't want you to get hurt or anything and this guy is clearly a dickhead."
She looks at me and smiled.

She's so gorgeous I could kiss her right now !

We're staring at each other, looking eye to eye when she says :
- " then don't worry, my heart belong to someone else..."
Is she talking about me ?! Her heart belongs to me ?! Omg I can't help but smile at her once again.
As we make our way out to go in our class, I reach for her hand... she makes my heart go way too fast ! And I smile like a five years old who had been told yes for an ice cream ! This is ridiculous but I love the way it feels.

À suivre...

🌹 Jaiana 🌹 {Terminée}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant