Chapter Fifteen

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When they had gotten out of the coffin, Theresa turned and dropped to one knee.

"My name is Princess Theresa of Camelot, daughter of King Tedros, first born and heir to the throne. It is an honor to make your acquaintance."

Amber stared at her with confusion for a long moment.

Theresa smirked.

"Second chance, remember?"

She held out her hand and Amber reluctantly took it.

She introduced herself with less enthusiasm.

Theresa didn't seem to care about her unwillingness to contribute.

"I look forward to getting to know you better, Amber of Camelot."

She stood and took Amber's hand.

The witch found her face heating up for unknown reasons as she glanced down at where they touched and then back at her beaming grin.

Amber shook her head and let go of her hand as soon as possible, feeling a weird sensation where she had touched Theresa.

For a brief moment, she wondered if somehow the princess had cast a spell on her.

She knew it was a silly thought had had no idea why she considered t.

Her brain just seemed scattered right now for inexplicable reasons.

A minute later, Amber and Theresa walked out of the blue forest side by side and Amber kept glancing at Theresa.

The princess was still clearly excited about the fact that Amber had given her a chance.

The Never forced her eyes away from the Ever.

Theresa was in the middle of something, though Amber didn't know what as she was slightly distracted for some reason, when suddenly their friends came through the woods.

Hilda suddenly smiled, only just slightly of course, at the sight of her sister.

It grew a bit when she saw that she was walking side by side with Theresa.

Perhaps they had settled their differences, whatever those might be.

She really had never figured out why they argued.

And it only seemed like Amber argued and Theresa just dealt with it like she didn't really care.

Axel gave his sister a smile and went to put his hand on her shoulder.

She stared at him and slightly shook her head.

He frowned in confusion, but kept his hand to himself.

The wolves howled just then and all the students looked up.

They made quick goodbyes and then each of them left.

Theresa gave Amber a formal goodbye with a bow and the witch rolled her eyes sufferingly.


Theresa walked with a small bounce to her steps.

She had finally gotten what she'd been trying to get for the past six months.

It had taken lots of failed attempts, several occasions of being tripped by Amber, many snide remarks, and the luck of a rose falling into a witch's lap by chance.

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