Chapter Twenty-One

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A/N: It never really says any heights so I have head-canons for this. Deal with it. Sophie is super short and IT IS NOW WRITTEN IN CANON STONE.

This was the third time this week they were having this meeting.

"I don't care what the bridge said, she is enrolled in your school and I can't pick up your slack," Professor Dovey said with a scowl.

Sophie bristled and stood taller.

Even at her full height (and with two inch red stylish heels that she was wearing) she was still a bit shorter than Dovey.

Sophie wasn't short exactly... but then again, she was.

She would never say such a thing, but she stood about head and shoulders shorter than Hester and even Agatha was about two inches taller than her.

Even Dot, the annoying rotund witch, was about an inch and a half taller than Sophie.

But that wasn't the point.

The point was that Sophie was not taking that annoying girl back into her school!

"Just because you've been a dean longer than me doesn't mean you can make me back down, Clarissa."

The dean of Good gave her a not so Good glare, but Sophie stood her ground.

There was a long moment in which the two just stared each other down.

But at the end, Professor Dovey had come up with a compromise.

Sophie had almost disagreed, but she planned on having a five hour bath tonight and she needed to get back to Evil...

So she sighed and agreed hastily before turning on her heel and walking out


And that's how Sophie found herself stuff with the annoying little know-it-all in her classroom.

She wanted nothing more than to strangle the life out of her.

She seemed to be answering more questions than Hester.

She had even pointed out a mistake that Sophie had made.

She had almost thrown the chalk in her hand at the girl.

Nichole (Sophie thought was her name at least, but she could easily be wrong) was smirking as she looked at her.

Did she enjoy making Sophie angry?!

She wasn't sure, but it was certainly working.

The blond was just about foaming at the mouth (though of course she didn't look that way. She had standards to uphold, even if she was a Never. Everyone has the duty to look respectable in front of others).

"Can anyone tell me what snake skin is used for?"

The girl (Natasha?!) was the first to raise her hand, but she didn't wait to be called on to answer.

"It's used for invisibility. But anyone that's read your story knows that."

She had that annoying smirk on her face that made Sophie want to throttle her.

Nobody would mind if she killed just one infuriating student, would they?!

She took a calming breath.

"Well, if you know so much about the subject, how about you come up here and identify the snakeskin for yourself?"

Sophie knew she sounded confrontational.

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