Chapter Forty-Six

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Tedros let out a sigh and he slumped into his chair, head in his hands.

Axel gaped at him.

What was happening?!

"Axel, I try my hardest to be a good father for you."

Axel's eyes widened and his heart constricted painfully.

"But you and I... we're just so different."

Axel stared at his father as he lifted his head from his hands and looked at him, his face showing so much regret.

"I tried everything I could. Everything I thought a father should show their son. I tried to teach you how to sword fight, and you almost lost an arm. I tried to teach you how to hunt, and you befriended all the animals. I tried to teach you the bow and arrow, and you almost killed by best guard. And somehow during all of this... your sister thrived. She was good at everything I tried to teach you and so I taught her instead. She's the swordsman and the hunter. She's the one I taught to throw and the one I taught all of my advice on flirting. On flirting, Axe."

Axel put his head down in shame.

"But I still tried. I tried to talk to you about your books and your magic, but I just couldn't understand a word you said. I tried to help you practice your bird calls and whistles and whatever else. But I didn't understand any of it. I tried, Axe, but I could never understand what went on in that big head of yours. But you're not a disappointment, Axe. I try to show you that everyday. And I can't believe you think I'm disappointed in you."

Axel's heart stopped beating.

His father... had done all that?

Looking back, Axel could only remember it from his point of view.

His father trying desperately to try and teach him anything and everything he knew.

And then Theresa was there.

And she was just so good at everything.

And then Axel tried to show him what he was learning, and his father wouldn't understand any of it.

And soon he stopped explaining.

And then it was always him and Theresa.

And Axel was left behind.

But Tedros did try.

He tried his hardest.

But Axel... Axel hadn't.

He'd given up on their relationship.

And that was his fault.

He felt tears filling his eyes and he tried to blink them away, but they were falling down his cheeks now.

"Dad, would you like to try and show me some of that again?"

Tedros' eyes shot up and he laughed, clearing away a few of his own tears.


Axel's heart sank.

It was too late.

"I think I'd rather hear about the spells you've been working on."

Axel gaped at him and Tedros laughed.

"Come on," he said, putting an arm around Axel's shoulders and leading him out of the room.

Axel was already rambling on about the first spell, but for once he slowed down.

He explained it in more detail.

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