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i am not a fire.

for some odd reason, i've been likened to a fire by more than one person. i can't seem to understand where this notion comes from.

i am not a fire.

if anything, i've always been the ashes a fire leaves behind. i'm the black dust that tries to cling onto the warmth it once felt so intensely. i'm the remnants of what once was.

i am not a fire.

i don't provide warmth or light to anyone. i'm an inconvenience to all of those i encounter. i make messes and invade the lungs of innocent victims passing by. i'm what gets swept away after a firework show. i'm a reminder of a tragedy when lava stops flowing from a volcano.

i am not a fire.

i wish they didn't see me as the beauty. i'm what remains once the beauty is gone. instead of blazes of red, i'm simply ashes of darkness.

i am not a fire.

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