Chapter 1

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"Hey Bubba" I cooed as my mom handed me, my newborn baby brother. They haven't decided on a name yet. I rocked him back and forth as I did with my younger sister so many years ago. 

"Rain, can I hold him?" my older brother, Sky asked and I nodded. I carefully gave him my younger brother. Sky just finished his second year of college and I just finished high school. We are two years apart, my younger sister just finished sixth grade so we are about six years apart. My little brother and I are eighteen years apart.

"I want to hold him" Summer stated boldly and I smiled.

"You have to be careful with him" I responded and she sighed.

"I'm going into seventh grade, I'm not a baby anymore" she muttered and I smiled. I watched Sky help Sunny hold my little brother. I'm pretty sure my brother is going to have a weather-related name like Sky, Sunny, and I do. 

"Yet you're obsessed with a nineteen-year-old singer who doesn't know you exist" I added and Sunny rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, you're just jealous. I get to meet him next week" Sunny boasted and I shook my head.

"Sunny, Rain is going with you. No one else can go. Sky has a business meeting for his business and your father and I will be busy with the baby" mom stated and I cocked my eyebrows. Sunny smirked.

"Okay, don't blame me if Rain comes back without her virginity" Sunny responded and everyone gasped. I glared at her.

"Sunny Amanda Porter, we do not speak like that" dad scolded and I smirked. Sky took the baby from her and gave it to mom. 

"Who said I still had my virginity?" I asked and everyone looked at me.

"Rain Lexi Porter, don't make me give you the talk again" dad answered and I bit my lip.

"Yes sir" I responded as I looked at my nails.

"Anyways, I think we've decided on a name" mom stated and I looked at her. She locked eyes with me and sighed.

"Thunder Landon Porter" mom announced and I smiled. I suggested for the name to be Thunder, it went well with mine. 

It was quiet for a while so I left the room. I walked around the hospital and sighed. My parents are pushing me to go to college and become a doctor but I want to be a model. They made Sky go to college to be a lawyer and he's happy with it but I don't want to do something for my parents, I want my own life. 

I came across a vending machine and I sighed. I found what I wanted and put a dollar in. I punched in the code E3 and watched the candy bar fall into the bottom compartment. Sky walked over as I grabbed the candy bar. 

"So, have you lost it?" Sky asked and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I know you have. Why do you care?" I answered as I opened my candy bar.

"While Sunny and I were sitting in the waiting room she was showing me a photo of the Shawn kid she's obsessed about. He's actually kind of cute and I think he's your type" Sky responded and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not into dating at the moment Sky, you and I both know I'm more focused on starting a modeling career," I said and he sighed and bent down. He put his lips up to my ear.

"Maybe a guy like him could help a girl like you out. Mom and dad would be easier going if you had a jumpstart" he whispered and then he pulled away. No one would be surprised if I did something like that. I'm that low of a person, well my parent's don't know that and neither do my younger siblings.

"Then again when I break his heart my life will go to shit," I said and Sky smirked and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Not if you catch feelings for each other" he muttered and I giggled.

"This isn't a fanfiction Sky, this is real life. Plus, I don't want to talk to a snobby Canadian celebrity" I added and Sky rolled his eyes.

"Of course you don't. You were always the picky type" he said and I sighed.

"Yeah, well being related to a douchebag like you really taught me that" I snapped and he chuckled.

"Now that sounds like the Rain I know" he responded and we laughed. We fell into a comfortable silence and sat down on a bench together. It's been a long time since we've been this at peace with each other. His girlfriend, Alice must have some effect on him.

"How's your girlfriend?" I asked and he sighed and looked at his phone.

"Good, really good. I think I'm going to propose" he answered and I smiled.

"No wonder why you've been so nice" I responded and he elbowed me lightly.

"Shut up," he said and then it got quiet again. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes until dad walked out of the room and came up to us.

"Aww, you guys aren't fighting for once" dad teased and we both groaned.

"Shut up" Sky and I chorused and dad chuckled. 

"How's mom?" I asked and he shrugged.

"She's good. Sunny is in there watching over Thunder and Julia" dad answered and I nodded.

"Sunny will be a good older sister, she's learned from the best" Sky stated and I smirked.

"You mean me," I said and Sky glared at me.

"No me" he stated and dad chuckled.

"There you both go, bickering again" dad stated and I rolled my eyes. I stood up and looked at the time, it was getting late.

"I should probably get Sunny home and into bed" I suggested and dad nodded.

"I'll go with you both" Sky responded and I smiled.


"Can we listen to Shawn? The concert and meet and greet is literally next week, I need to make sure I know fully what I'm going to say" Sunny said and I exchaned glances with Sky.

"No" we both chorused and Sunny groaned.

"Jerks" she muttered.

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