Chapter 6

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Alex and I sat down in Starbucks together. My brown hair was in a tight french braid that went down my back. I looked around and saw someone with a camera, Shawn had warned me against the paparazzi but I didn't care. The guy started taking photos and I flipped him off.

"Well, that's one way to start a reputation" Alex muttered and I nodded. I took a sip of my frappichino. 

"At least I'll have one" I responded when I set my drink down. He sighed and looked at me. He took a sip of his drink and leaned back in his chair.

"My boyfriend and I broke up" he admitted and I sighed.

"Sorry Alex, you and Aiden were cute together" I apologized and he shrugged.

"It's fine Aiden was dating me just to poke fun at me. He is better off with his girlfriend Marisa" he responded and I looked at the table.

"Yeah, all guys but you suck" I stated and Alex chuckled.

"What about Shawn?" he asked and I rolled my eyes.

"He sucks too, he just doesn't suck as much" I answered and he smirked.

"Dick" he added and we laughed. I shook my head and took another sip of my drink. We fell into comfortable silence. I watched the paparazzi guy snap a couple more photos before ordering himself a drink. Thankfully Alex's back was to the camera so then no one could recognize him. I got on my phone and looked at Instagram. I had made my account public per Andrew's request. Also, I had posted a photo of Shawn and I from the other night. The caption just said 'night 2 with this lovebug'. It was the only thing I could think of.  

A group of teenage girls walked in and went up to the barista. They looked at me and then ordered some drinks. Alex sighed and opened his mouth to talk but the group of girls walked over shyly. Oh god, here we go.

"Hey, hi, I'm Kelsy and these are my friends. We were wondering if we could take a photo with you?" Kelsey asked and I smirked. They were all wearing 'Shawn Mendes' shirts.

"Why do you want photos with me exactly?" I answered and Kelsey bit her lip.

"Well um, you're Shawn's girlfriend of course" she responded and I sighed and got up. I put my hands on the table and leaned foward. I got into her face and pointed to her shirt.

"No, no photos with me. I'm not avalible for photos, especially since it's because I'm dating Shawn. So, you girls have a minute to get out of her before I remove you all myself" I threatened in a low voice.

"Sorry, we will go" Kelsey squeaked as the barista called her name.

"Perfect timing" I said and then her group walked away, grabbed their drinks which were identical to mine, and then left the store in a hurry. I smiled in satisfaction.

"I'm pretty sure Shawn won't want you talking to his fans like that" Alex suggested and I shrugged.

"Well maybe they shouldn't stick their noses into my business and ask for a photo when they barely know me" I snapped and then I grabbed my drink and car keys.

"I'm going to go see you later Alex" I said as we got up. We walked to my car and he hugged me.

"Tell your man I said hi" he responded and I nodded.

"Of course" I stated and then I got into my car. We waved goodbye and I drove off.


I sat in my room on my phone. Andrew was pissed and so was Shawn. I'm lucky they don't have strong internet or they would facetime me. They were mad because of what I said to those fans, the paparazzi guy got it on video. Also, there are rumors about Alex and I dating even though he is gay but, the people don't know that. 

"So, you're quite the character" Sky stated and I looked at him. I turned my phone off and rubbed my face. 

"Yeah, tell me about it" I muttered as I leaned back in my swingchair. Sky sighed and sat down on my bed.

"You don't love him do you? I could tell by the way you were treating his fans and not to mention you guys didn't seem head over heels for each other" Sky responded and I bit my lip. I sighed and tucked my hair behind my ear. Do I tell him the truth?

"We hate each other Sky, it's just an act to get his name in the media more and he said he would jumpstart my modeling career. We have rules we have to follow. No one is suppose to know it's fake" I admitted and he sighed.

"Well, at least you're going to be a model" he muttered and I shrugged. 

"Yeah, I'm excited" I responded and he smiled.

"You know if this is going to work you both have to seem more in love. You two should go on a date" Sky suggested and I shook my head.

"Hell no" I stated and he sighed.

"Fine, then looks like you're going to be a doctor" he said as he got up and I looked at my feet.

"Sky, what do I do? I hate him so much, I can't stand him. I don't know if I should sacrifice my sanity for my dream job" I responded and Sky put a hand on my shoulder.

"It's only temporary, maybe it'll be over sooner than you expect" Sky comforted and I shrugged.

"I guess, but back to the whole fan drama thing I hate strangers coming up to me" I admitted and Sky chuckled.

"Rain you just hate strangers in general, you, mom, and Sunny need to go shoping for new outfits. Maybe that boyfriend of yours will fund it, I mean if he really wants to sell it you're going to have to dress nicer and overall look nicer" Sky explained and I smirked. There are times when I forget how low of a person I am. Using someone isn't new territory, it's territory that I'm more than familiar with. 

"Plus, that way I get to buy clothes from expensive retailers and hopefully model for them in the future" I responded and he nodded.

"Mom and dad don't need to know about this. They would both murder us if they figured out we had planned to use Sunny's idol" Sky said and I nodded.

"Let's get this show on the road" I stated as I got up.

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