Chapter 9

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I was nervous. It was Sunday morning and I have to deliever my first church sermon. My family has owned a church for generations and it's tradition that on the first service of July one of the kids that are 18 or over have to deleiver sermon. Thank god next year is Sky. The only issue with this is that my parents wrote it for me like they wrote Sky's first one for him. Pretty much he confessed his and he had to talk about how he learned from his mistakes and got forgivness from god. Then he got baptized at the end. I would rather be with Shawn then be in this church. I hate church with a passion. I would always skip the sermon, I would sneak out during worship and sit outside of the church and sin as my dad would call it. The church is in his side of the family. 

"Wow! What an amazing performance from out worship team! Let's give them a round of applause!" dad beamed as he stepped out onto stage. The worship team but the keyboardist came back stage and walked right past me. Some of them whispered 'good luck' knowing that I've done worse than my older brother. Dad went over a couple events being held by the church before telling everyone that I would be doing my first sermon today.  Everyone cheered when he finished. I watched someone put out a stool and stand out for me.

"You got it, good luck" dad said as he walked behind stage. I smiled at him before taking the mic from him and walking onto stage. The lights blinded me and everyone was screaming to encourage me. I set my things down on the table and dropped the bible. I almost swore aloud. I grabbed the bible and put it on the table. I felt so much pressure, Shawn must feel this amount of pressure when he goes out to sing every night.

"Good morning everyone" I greeted and they all sent a 'good morning' back. I smiled and looked up at the screen. I smiled seeing that the introduction was easy but it was forshadowing that I would be doing the same thing as Sky.

"Sinners. People who have violated one of gods rules. We've all sinned in our lives. Especially swearing or even lying. Things like that just slip out so easily, and once they come out you can't stop. You start to sin more and more until you've had enough. You go to church and beg god for forgiveness, he will always forgive you, even if you are a murder" I said and some people said 'yeah' and others just nodded. My family was sitting in the front row and I wanted to die.

"I'm the pastor's daughter and I've sinned a lot. From lying all the way up to sex. We've all sinned but I'm here to tell you about my sins, maybe it'll encourage some of you to ask for forgiveness" I explained. I continued to explain some things I've done but light things like lies or smoking. Things like that.

"That brings me to my biggest sin yet" I started and the next couple lines made me stop in my tracks. I narrowed my eyes at my parents who were smiling ear to ear. 

"I didn't listen to my parents, the told me to go to college and become a doctor. Also, they told me I couldn't date until I was two years into college. I didn't listen. Some of you probably have seen my name everywhere latley. Anyways, I met my boyfriend online and met him in real life and then we got togther" I continued and the next couple of lines were worse so I decided to change them up a little.

"I love him and he convinced me to become a model" I added and I looked at the next line. I knew if I fixed it up my parents would make me redo the whole sermon.

"But, I decided that being a model isn't important. I'm going to become a doctor and if my boyfriend choses to support me then great but if he doesn't then I can break things off with him" I stated and everyone cheered. I hated saying that, I want to be a model so bad and they are pretty much telling me that I can't get out of being a doctor now. I felt my eyes water. I didn't want to finish off the sermon with a prayer and then get baptized in front of the whole church. I just shook my head and sighed. Thankfully, my phone started ringing. I looked at it and saw that it was Andrew.

"Sorry I have to take this, it's my talent agent. He probably got me a booking" I lied and then I put the mic down and walked off of the stage. I heard many gasps from the audience and I shortly heard my dad take the mic and say something. I couldn't hear it since I was hiding in the maintenance closet.

"Thank you for calling me. What's up?" I asked and Andrew sighed.

"Are you ready to fly out tonight?" he answered and I sighed in relief.

"I would fly out right now actually, I had to deliever a sermon and my parents wrote it. It could've tanked everything if you didn't call" I responded.

"Good job me" he said and I smiled.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow" I muttered and then the call ended. I recognized the music from the worship team and left the maintenance closet. I went to the office's and saw my dad on his computer. Shit, all I wanted to do was grab my bag and leave. 

"Dad, I gotta go. I need to make sure I'm ready for my flight tonight" I stated and he shook his head.

"Sit" he demanded and I sighed. I knew better and sat down. He's really pissed off, I can tell. This is his families work and I almost ruined it.

"You owe me an explination" he said and I norrowed my eyes at him.

"Okay then I'll give you your explination. One, I'm not going to stand there and lie that I'm going to become a doctor, you know I'm going to do modeling anyways. Two, I'm not going to stand there and trash talk my boyfriend. No way! So, fuck off" I responded and he gasped.

"Watch your tone young lady" he warned.

"Or what?" I asked and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"You don't even want to know, I'll take your whole life away and make you take my place instead of Thunder. You are going to be a doctor and you will break up with that boyfriend of yours" he answered and I scoffed.

"There's no way in hell, I'm not your slave" I snapped as I grabbed my things. I turned around and left, so much for a peaceful Sunday morning.

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