Chapter 14

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Shawn was nearing the end of his set and I was on the side of the stage waiting for him to call me up. I was nervous, what if I trip or something?

"So, before we go tonight I want to get my amazing girlfriend up here" Shawn stated and I bit my lip. I walked up the stairs shaking and waved at the crowd and walked over to Shawn and he kissed me.

"So, this is my girlfriend Rain and I love her so much. So, I have a question to ask her" Shawn said and I furrowed my eyebrows. Shawn smiled and started to get down on one knee causing the crowd to go crazy.

"Rain Porter I love you so much, will you marry me?" He asked and I covered my mouth with my hands. I nodded with fake tears in my eyes. He put the ring on my finger and then hugged me.

"She said yes!" Shawn announced and everyone screamed. Shawn kissed me and I smiled.

"Thank you and have a goodnight" Shawn said and then we walked off of stage. Andrew looked at us in shock.

"You two are brilliant! I love both of you!" Andrew beamed and then he kissed Shawns forehead and my forehead in excitement.

Shawn and I went to the bus to talk about how we're going to do the whole break up thing but we couldn't. Someone I didn't recognize was on the bus.

"Dad!" Shawn beamed as they hugged. Dad?

"Dad this is my fiancé Rain, Rain this is my dad Manuel" Shawn introduced and his dad hugged me.

"Yeah, you would be a good fit in the family" Manuel said and then he let go of me. Shawn wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Congratulations, lets go out for a celebratory dinner!" Manuel beamed and I nodded. I'm starving.

Shawn talked to his dad during dinner and didn't acknowledge me. Andrew was with us along with the band members. I got on my phone and texted my family a photo of the ring with a heart emoji. Sunny and Sky were happy but my parents were pissed. Apparently Shawn didn't get consent to marry me but I didn't care, it's my life.

Our food came and I happily started eating. A couple of us saw a paparazzi guy and we all started posing and eating like animals. When Shawn noticed what we were doing he rolled his eyes and kissed me.

Everyone sat at the table and talked for a long time. I was alone, great so much fun. I got on my phone and texted Alexander. He wanted to call me so I excused myself from the table and left the restaurant.

"Hey Alex, hows it going?" I asked and he sighed.

"It's going great! Anyways congrats on your engagement! When you get back we're going for a spa day, no exceptions!" Alex answered and I giggled.

"Okay, hopefully I'll be back sooner than I think. I miss everyone" I said as I leaned against the wall. He sighed and then made a noise that sounded like he was in agreement.

"Rain, are you sure about this engagement? It seems a little rushed, it could've been a better setting instead of infront of fans and on stage. It seemed spur of the moment" he responded and I sighed.

"I only said yes so I didn't embarrass him" I said and he sighed. It's true

"Well anyways, I got to go. I'll talk to you soon" Alex stated and I sighed.

"Yeah, see you soon" I responded and then I ended the call. I leaned my ahead against the wall and felt my eyes tear up. Fuck, I just want to go home and get out of this. I just want to get over this. Luckily, the Calvin Klein photos come out tomorrow. 

The tears in my eyes dried up when a guy across the street starting to wolfwhistle at me. 'I'm not a dog' I thought as I glared at him. The guy took my glare as an invitation to come over, oh god. 

"Hey cutie" he muttered as he stood infront of me. He reaked of alchol and weed. Great, as if to make my life worse I'm going to get sexually harassed by a drunk. 

"Touch me, and I kill you" I threatened in a low voice. The guy smiled coyly and put his hand on the side of my arm. Then he cupped my cheek with his other hand. I was about to kill him. 

"All bark no bite" he muttered as I glared at him. My breathing was quick but shallow, I was afraid. I've heard stories of people getting raped. I've prayed with people at church to help them heal from their PTSD. If god was real then this is the punishment he's going to give me from turning away from him and rebelling against my parents. 

"Let's go to my house and sort things out there" he whispered into my ear and then he kissed my shoulder. I felt a tear run down my cheek as my hands started to shake.

"Hey, stay away from her!" Shawn yelled at the guy as Shawn grabbed his shirt. The guy let go of me and I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. Shawn punched the guy in the face and let go.

"If you touch her again I'm going to do much worse" Shawn threatened and the guy ran off. I felt a couple more tears run down my cheeks and Shawn looked at me.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked and I nodded. 

"Did he hurt you?" he wondered and I shook my head. He hugged me and I grabbed onto the front of his shirt. I started bawling and Shawn rubbed my back comfortingly.

"Shh, it's okay. He's gone, he won't be back" Shawn whispered and I nodded. Shawn tightened his grip on my shaking body. 

"I-I was so scared. Thank you" I admitted and he sighed and kissed my cheek.

"Don't thank me, anyone would've done that for a hottie like you" Shawn said and I giggled. He pulled away from the hug and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Come on, let's go inside" he said and I nodded. We walked inside and I did my best to try and clean myself up without a mirror. I can't believe I let myself cry infront of Shawn but, I was more relieved than I was mad. 

"Oh my god. Rain are you okay?" Andrew asked as he got up and ran over to me. I hesitantly nodded and he hugged me. Everyone asked me if I was okay and I just nodded and said that I didn't want to talk about it. Something like that is something that I would rather stay strictly inbetween Shawn and I. For the rest of the night everyone focused on cheering me up and the jokes that were made would've made anyone laugh.

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