Chapter 11

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"Oh my god Shawn! That went so well!" I beamed as we walked into the hotel after the show. We were both smiling from ear to ear, it's been a goodnight for us both. I got signed onto a talent agency and I have a manger now and Shawn had a pretty good show tonight. I'll have to admit, my sister was right, the kid can sing.

"It went so well for both of us" he responded and we hugged each other. We had no idea why we were acting like this, no one was around so we could go back to normal but we were both excited.

"Yeah, in no time we can part ways" I stated and his lips went together but were still formed in a soft smile.

"Yeah, then Andrew won't have to treat us like kids anymore" Shawn said and I nodded. My phone ringed and I saw that it was a text in a group chat I was in with Sky and Sunny. Alex had texted me as well. My phone killed the happy vibe we previously had.

"Even though it's kinda against the rules we should sneak down to the pool" Shawn suggested and I sighed.

"But I don't have a swimsuit" I muttered and he sighed.

"Since when did being unprepared ever stop Rain Porter?" Shawn asked and I smirked.


Shawn and I ran into the indoor pool area and quickly started taking our clothes off. To be fair he only had to take his shoes and shirt off, I had to take my shirt, shoes, and shorts off.

"Last one in buys dinner tomorrow night" Shawn stated and I groaned. He then dove in the pool and I pulled my shirt off so I was left in my undergarments. I dove in and smiled in relief the water felt so good.

"Loser" Shawn teased once my head broke the surface of the water. I stuck my tounge out at him.

"In my defense I had to take more off than you did" I snapped and he smirked.

"Yeah well bite me" he said and I rolled my eyes. I moved my hair out of my face and started to tread water.

"This feels so good" I muttered and he nodded.

"Yeah, it does" he responded as I started to float on my back. He splashed water at me and I gasped.

"You little bitch" I cursed and I splashed water at him. We continued to splash water at each other until we were both tired.

Shawn turned the hot tub on and I smiled. He got in and I joined him. It was even more relaxing than the pool. For two people who hate each other we seem to get along really well when it comes to breaking the rules. We were quiet and enjoying the peace.

"Looks like that date changed things" he said and I giggled.

"Yeah but that still doesn't mean that we're friends" I responded and he crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged.

"I guess so Porter" he stated and I rolled my eyes. I got out of the hot tub and stood on the edge of the pool. I dove in and then I felt more than a wave of relief wash over me, it was a wave of clamness. I loved being underwater, the weightless feeling was everything to me. I've loved it ever since I was a little kid.

I realized I was underwater for a little while, so I went back up for some air. I looked around and didn't see Shawn. I started to panic for a little bit thinking he left me alone, but his clothes were still here. Then the mainlights turned off and the pool LED lights turned on. I smiled, this hotel is awesome.

"I found the light settings" Shawn admitted as he dove back into the pool. I shook my head and smiled, dork. He came up to me and spit water at me.

"Ewww" I muttered and he laughed. I splashed him with water and swam away. Then despite all of the noise we were making, we heard the jingling of keys. We both eschanged worried lookes and sprinted to the hot tub and got in. The pool door started to open and I did the only thing I could think of. I kissed Shawn and had my own To All The Boys I've Loved Before moment.

"Hey! You two aren't supposed to be in here!" the security guard shouted and we looked at him.

"Sorry sir we kinda just wanted to swim and spend some alone time together" I responded and he chuckled.

"Alright you two, get dressed and I'll go get some towels" the guard stated and then he walked away. I looked at Shawn and we were both thinking the same thing Andrew is going to kill us.


"At least he will appreciate that we weren't fighting" Shawn whispered in my ear as we waited for Andrew to answer his hotel room door. The security guard walked us here. I rolled my eyes and shrugged. I tightened my towel because I was really cold. Andrew opened the door and I could read his face, he was mad.

Andrew and the security guard talked for a couple minutes before the guard left. Andrew looked at Shawn and I and groaned.

"It was his fault" I stated but Shawn did the same thing but said 'her' instead. We exchanged looks and Andrew sighed.

"I can't believe you two, first of all I thought you two hated each other" Andrew scolded causing Shawn and I to exchange looks.

"I mean we're more acquaintances than anything" I muttered and Andrew glared at me. He sighed and I could tell he didn't know what to do.

"I want to see both of you bright and early tomorrow morning by the busses, no exceptions" Andrew stated and we both nodded.

"Go before I get even more mad" Andrew added and we left his room.

"It could be worse" Shawn said as we walked into our room. I shrugged and grabbed a change of clothes.

"Yeah, but I'm not used to getting caught Mendes" I responded and he shrugged.

"Well, I'm not either" Shawn added and it got quiet.

"Yeah, whatever" I said and then I went into the bathroom.

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