Chapter 19

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3 years later...

I wish I could experience this with Shawn. Sky and his fiance are getting married today and I'm excited but it makes my heartache thinking about Shawn. Three years after our split I'm still thinking about how I still love him and I'm still playing If I Can't Have You on repeat. 

The past three years have been insane, my name is everywhere and so are ads with my face on them. I've modeled for Calvin Klein, Saint Lauren, Prada, Dior, Victoria's Secret, DKNY, and Chanel. I live in an apartment in Toronto and it's not far from my parent's house. Sunny is thriving in high school and Thunder has developed fastly. I haven't heard much about Shawn but Sunny still keeps up to date with him. Apparently he's doing well and he's on his world tour for his fourth album. Sunny said a lot of the songs on the album reminded her of me but I waved her off about it. 

"So, how are you doing after your ninth break up in three years?" Sky asked as he joined me at the buffet. I rolled my eyes and put some food on my plate.

"I'm great, and I'm wishing I'll get married one day" I answered and Sky chuckled.

"I'm telling you that if you build up the courage to talk to Shawn then you two will be endgame but you won't listen to me" Sky stated and I glared at him.

"Drop it" I sneered and he smiled.

"You're just mad because you know I'm right" Sky said and then he grabbed a napkin and walked away. Alex was looking at me telling me that Sky was right.

"Shut up" I stated before I walked away and sat down at a table. I realized I was alone and that most people were slow dancing on the dance floor. I took my phone out and went to Shawn and I's old text conversation I clicked on the text bar and typed out a message. I hovered my thumb over the send button tempted to send it. I bit my lip and turned my phone off. He probably has a girlfriend by now. I looked at the couples slow dancing and couldn't help but think about the date Andrew forced Shawn and I to go on.

After our walk we went back to the gazebo. The table was gone and there was a note on the post. Shawn grabbed it and read it.

"Andrew wants us to slow dance and he also said there's been a photographer following us around, he's going to make a social media team make an Instagram account for us as a couple and post the photos on there" Shawn explained and I groaned.

"That's just great" I complained and he chuckled. Shawn stepped up to the radio thing and clicked play. Slow music started playing and he extended his hand out to me.

"May I have this dance Ms. Porter?" he asked and I chuckled.

"Yeah, sure" I answered as I grabbed his hand. He pulled me onto the gazebo and we started dancing slowly, it wasn't anything extravagant, just swaying back and forth and making small steps. He twirled me a couple times and it made me laugh. God, it felt so good to laugh after everything that's happened even if it was with Mendes.

"Let's get a good shot for Andrew" Shawn whispered in my ear towards the end and I nodded. I had no idea what he had in mind. He twirled me slowly and then dipped me and kissed me.

That was an amazing night. It wasn't the one I fell in love with Shawn. I don't think I even fell in love with him in one night, I think it's something that slowly happened over time. But, towards the end of the three months with him it felt like we weren't acting anymore. Yeah, those were some of the best three months of my life. 

"What are you thinking about?" Benji asked as he sat down next to me and I sighed.

"I'm still thinking about Shawn, it would've been so much fun to be here with him" I answered and he nodded. It was quiet inbetween us and he took out a flask and poured it into a cup. I took the cup and drunk from it. The alcohol burned but it tasted good. I don't drink much even though people think I drink constantly. I saw Sunny and Thunder doing some sort of slow dance and I smiled. 

"They would be a cute couple" Benji stated and I glared at him.

"Those are my siblings dumbass, we don't do incest here. Try Alabama in the United States" I responded and he chuckled. 

"But they would be a cute couple" I added and Benji smirked.

"Just like you and Shawn would be" Benji teased and I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm going to wish the bride and groom the best of luck and then head home. I have a flight early tomorrow morning to New York" I explained and Benji nodded.

"See you later Rainbow" he said and I smiled.

"Yeah, you too Benjamin" I responded and then I walked away. I walked over to Sky and Alice, they were talking about their honeymoon. 

"Hey Rain" Alice greeted and I smiled at her.

"I'm going to get going, congratulations. Have fun on your honeymoon" I said and Alice thanked me.

"Why are you going so soon?" Sky asked and I sighed.

"I have to be at New York early tomorrow morning for a business meeting" I answered and Sky hugged me.

"See you later Rainy" Sky said and I nodded. I hugged Alice and then left.


I walked up to my aparment door and dropped my keys. I just moved in a week ago so I'm a little spiratic still. I picked up my keys and started to unlock the door. I used the wrong key causing me to groan. After I unlocked my door I was about to open it when I heard a familiar voice.

"Hey Rainy" someone greeted and I looked at him in shock. It was Mendes.

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