Chapter 5

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"Hey cutie" Shawn greeted as his face popped up on my phone screen. Sunny was standing right next to me in the kitchen

"Aww, you guys are so cute" she beamed and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey Sunny" he greeted and I swear Sunny almost passed out.

"Oh my god, he remembers me" Sunny squeaked and I giggled. Sunny store at him while I popped out of frame to get something from the fridge.

"What are you guys doing?" Shawn asked and Sunny sighed.

"Rain is making homemade pizza for dinner. Then Sky, her, and I are going to watch some of the Harry Potter movies" Sunny answered as I appeared back into the frame.

"Nice, I wish I was there to eat pizza and watch Harry Potter" Shawn responded and I rolled my eyes.

"You would just about kill Sunny," I said and Sunny rolled her eyes.

"No" she stated and I giggled.

"Are you kidding me? Your legs are getting wobbly just leaning against the counter talking to him over facetime" I responded and she pouted. Shawn laughed and Sunny blushed. I shook my head and continued to make the pizza. Then the dog walked over and started whining.

"I'll take him out" Sunny suggested and then she walked away with the dog following her.

"So, I see things are better compared to this morning," Shawn said and I sighed.

"My parents are still pissed but yeah Sunny is happier and Sky is chill" I responded and he nodded. It was quiet until Sky walked in.

"Hey bitch" he greeted and I smirked.

"Hey asshole" I responded as he noticed who I was on the phone with.

"Ooooh, is that Mr. Mendes?" Sky asked and I looked away.

"The one and only" Shawn answered and Sky smiled. Then we heard crying causing Sky and I to groan.

"Your turn" I said and Sky sighed and went to take care of Thunder

"So, much for a conversation with your older brother" he stated and I giggled.

"My parents went out on a date so we have to take care of Thunder" I explained as I started to top the pizza. Shawn nodded and then furrowed his eyebrows.

"He was born last week, he's my younger brother" I added and he nodded.

"I'm back!" Sunny beamed as she ran in and up to my phone. I put the pizza in the oven and set a timer.

"Hey Sunny!" Shawn greeted with a smile. Sunny was smiling ear to ear and then went to grab my phone but I got it first.

"Aren't you on tour?" Sunny asked and then I realized he was in a car.

"No, but I gotta go. Love you Rain" he answered and I rolled my eyes.

"Love you too" I said with a monotone. I still hate it and I hate having to act happy. The call ended and Sunny smiled.

"You guys are so cute" she stayed and I shrugged.

"Thanks" I responded as I started cleaning up. There was a knock on the door and I heard Sky call it from somewhere in the house.

Sunny and I cleaned up in silence and waited for the pizza to be done. We were watching the pizza through the oven door, I had turned the light on.

"Rain, there's someone here for you" Sky stated and I got up and sighed. What now? Then I noticed Shawn was standing next to him. No, he's not crashing my movie night.

"Hey" Shawn greeted and I threw him a fake but coy smile. Sunny looked up and screamed. I put my hands in the pocket of my sweatshirt.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were on tour?" I asked and he sighed.

"It's my day off" he answered and I nodded.

"Hey Shawn" Sunny greeted and I let out an angry breath.

"Hey" Shawn responded and I exchanged looks with Sky, if mom and dad come home I'm going to get my ass handed to me.

"Did you read what I gave you?" Sunny asked and I looked at her. Of course he did, how do you think this happened dipshit?

"Yeah, it was a really thoughtful gift. I enjoyed the parts about Rain" he answered with a smirk. Sunny smiled and then ran away, probably to scream or text her friends or something.

"I'm going to go start the movies, I'll be right back" Sky said and he walked away.

"Shawn Peter Raul Mendes, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked and he smirked.

"I get all tingly when you use my full name" he answered and I narrowed my eyes at him. He sighed and leaned against the counter.

"Our deal said I need to visit so I did. Plus, like I said earlier I couldn't turn down a Harry Potter marathon and pizza" Shawn responded and I looked at the ground.

"Right" I mumbled and he sighed.

"You don't look very happy" he said and I shrugged.

"Just know that if my parents come back and you're still here you won't be a pretty face anymore" I stated as the timer went off. I took the pizza out of the oven and the dog ran in.

"No! Not for you" I said and the dog sat down nicely. Sky and Sunny came in and the four of us got pizza and then went to the living room.


Well into the third Harry Potter movie I realized Sunny had fallen asleep on the best part of the couch. Sky was drifting off to sleep and I was no where near tiredness. Shawn had his arm wrapped around me and I wanted to kill him. Shawn was wide awake and paying every second of his attention to the screen. I looked at Sky and watched him until his eyes were closed. I waited a couple minutes to make sure he was asleep. Once I knew Sky was asleep, I removed Shawn's arm from me and he looked at me confused.

"They're asleep, none of this act anymore" I stated as I grabbed the controller. I turned the TV off and the light on a little bit. I grabbed everything and went to the kitchen. I was washing the dishes when Shawn came over to me.

"It's late, I might as well stay the night" he muttered and I rolled my eyes.

"Not happening Mendes" I sneered as I turned the sink off.

"Fine, I'll leave in a couple minutes" he said and I grabbed my phone and got on it. Sky had sent me a couple of photos he took of Shawn and I. He had sent them before he fell asleep. I need to tell him what's going on. If not him, I need to tell someone.

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