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"Clary, can I talk to you?" Jace asks the Fairchild, running towards her. "Make it quick, Jace," she sighs, rubbing her temples. "Why do you hate me so much?" he asks, hope shining in his eyes. "Oh geez! Let me tell you," the redhead starts, stepping closer to the last Herondale. "You left me while I was dying, saying that I'm too weak to be a Shadowhunter and that I'll be better off dead. But you know what? You're the one who is weak because leaving a fellow Shadowhunter behind makes you just like Valentine," She spits at him, only a few mere centimeters between them. "you're right," he whispers, realization dawning in on him. He storms off to his room. This isn't right, something's wrong. He thinks. 

"Hello?" a deep voice says, entering the institute. When Isabelle turned the corner, she saw a man with black hair and stubble, curiosity blazing in his brown eyes. He's quite attractive too. She straightens up and walks to the mystery man. "Hi, I'm Isabelle Lightwood, head of the institute. What can I do for you?" she asks, looking fascinated at the man. He has some kind of familiar vibe around him. "I'm Derek Raze, I'm hoping that I could stay here," he says in a very light, but neat British accent. "Sure, I'll walk you to a room," she says.

"What is it, Jace?" Alec asks his Parabatai, feeling a strange emotion that isn't his'. "There's something very wrong," he says while entering his brother's room. "I need more than that. For all I know is that your hair could be in the wrong place," Alec says, not looking up from his phone. Ever since he got that piece of technology, he wouldn't stop looking at pictures of him and Magnus. He would occasionally point out that in one picture they were in Hawaï, the other in Berlin. You name it. "Could you look at me for once!" Jace snaps, only realizing what he said seconds later. He widens his eyes. "I'm sorry, Alec, I didn't mean to snap at you like that," He apologizes. "I know you didn't mean it. I can feel you're stressed all the way through the bond," Alec says while standing up. "What's up?" he asks while putting his hand on Jace's shoulder. "You know that Clary has been acting weird against me. So I asked her what I did, and she explained it, but it doesn't add up. She claims that I said that she isn't a good Shadowhunter, that I wish she was dead, but I don't," Jace says while looking at the ground. "What are you trying to say?" Alec asks his Parabatai. "That something is wrong with her memories. And we need to fix it," he says.

Who is the mystery guy? How are they going to fix Clary's memories? The mystery guest will for sure play a big role in the story. 

Love to you all,


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