Chapter 10

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Selena's pov
Mount pleasant, Liverpool

"Fine! I was just trying to make things better between us! But I can see you're clearly not up for that, so If that's how you wanna be, then I won't call you again!" I yelled angrily before hanging up and throwing the phone on my bed.

I ran my hand through my hair and took deep breathes in hopes of calming myself down. I was so heated at that moment that I couldn't even talk. I didn't even realize when tears started falling out of my eyes. My heart was literally burning and churning inside me and my hands were shaking so badly. I can't even remember the last time I was that mad at something.

For the past three weeks, all Tyler and I do was argue and argue about senseless Stuff. He never calls or at least text me, and when I do that, it always ends with us fighting and calling each other names. I had no idea what was going through his head, ever since he went back to New York to start shooting his new movie, he turned into something else, not as good as he was in the first two weeks of us getting back together. all I wanted to do was keep our relationship alive, but he was just making it harder for me by every passing day.

"Selena! Are you okay? I thought I heard you yelling!" My mom asked with concern on her face as she came into my bedroom.

"Yeah! It's just some crazy stuff with Tyler, no big deal!" I replied, making my mom sigh as she took a seat next to me on the bed.

"Baby!" She said "this is getting out of control! Throughout this week, I always hear you fighting with him over the phone! And it's honestly not okay, it's a big deal" she said, making me look into her eyes.

"It's not healthy for you to be in a relationship with someone who can't go through an entire week without getting into a fight! That just shows that it's not going to work out" she added.

"I know, mom! But he doesn't call or even text me at all! And if I try to do that, he starts a fight! I don't know what to do" I sighed.

"You both should sit and talk!" She replied "that's the only way to fix your problems! You never know, maybe he wants to see you in person, maybe he's missing you" She said.

"Okay!" I nodded "Thanks mom" I pulled her into a hug.

"Anytime sweetie!" She smiled as we pulled away "If you need anything else, I'll be in ashler's bedroom, Okay?" She said and I. Order my head with a smile on my face.

After mom exited the room, I figured out that I needed to cool myself down. I would go to my friends and kill some time, normally, but none of them were available. Perrie was also in New York for her concert, ox was really busy with his recovery session and Roberto was in Brazil. I also considered going to Marcus or Jesse, but I wasn't in the mood to leave Liverpool at that point. So I went in with my last option, I drew the blinds, switched the lights off, turned the AC on and pulled the blankets over myself in hopes of falling into a deep sleep.


Perrie's POV
queens, New York City.

I had just finished pushing the last pieces of clothing into my suitcase. It wasn't even an hour after the concert was over and I was already preparing to head back to Liverpool.
I couldn't stay away from Alex for another minute, and also because I missed Selena like crazy, I knew she needed me more than anything at the moment and I really wished I could be with her in the next second.

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