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The notorious Sirius Black stands before the trio; his black hair is lazily pushed out of his eyes, which are a fascinating shade of grey. Though his family perspires money, his robes are slightly wrinkled and his pants just an inch too short. His black leather shoes are fading at the toe, and his tie is loosely hung around his neck. It was as if he hadn't had new robes in years.

"Hi," Remus welcomes, swallowing the lump in his throat. He steps aside, pushing the others out of the way, to make room for Sirius. 

Sirius strides in confidently, scanning the room over. The click of his shoes on the hardwood echoes in the silence. 

"I'm Remus," Remus introduces. Sirius turns around, his eyes flickering over Remus, though his expression remains stagnant.  "And this is James and Peter."

The boys smile, but yet again. Silence. 

"I hope you plan on talking soon," James comments. Both Peter and Remus scowl at him, but he dismisses them. He walks over to his bed, clearly unaffected by the presence of Sirius. "That was Martin's old bed," James says pointing to the one next to his. Sirius nods, walking over to the bed. He lifts the trunk at the end, surprised to see his things already there. "So I guess it's yours now."

Peter inches towards Remus, who hasn't moved. "I'm scared," he whispers. 

"Shh," Remus snaps. "Be nice." 

"Well, I'm exhausted," Peter fake yawns. He walks towards his bed, refusing to look in the direction of Sirius, and scurries to change into his pajamas. 

The silence is almost worse than McGonagall's death stare, and Remus would much rather be sitting in detention than in a room with Sirius Black. He still stands by the door, unsure what to do next. Sirius is sorting through his things, bushing his hair out of his face every now and then, while Peter hides behind his bed curtains in the corner of the room. 

"I'm hungry," James says to nobody in particular. "You wanna come with me to the kitchens?" He swings his legs over the side of his bed, his hand rubbing his stomach. "Rem?" Remus shakes his head. "Pete?"

Peter buttons the last of his pajamas, shrugging. "I could eat."

"I thought you were tired," Remus quickly points out, hoping to convince Peter to stay.

"Who wants to go to bed on an empty stomach!" James counters. He turns to Sirius, surprising both Peter and Remus. Even Sirius himself. "Black, you in?" Sirius shakes his head. "Suit yourself." When Sirius turns away, James quickly stuffs something behind his back, motioning for Peter to follow. The latter tiptoes past Sirius and scurries towards the door behind James.

When the door shuts, Remus becomes very aware of how alone he is with Sirius. He'd never actually talked to the boy. As a matter of fact, Remus wasn't sure who even did talk to Sirius Black. Before Hogwarts, his father had warned him about the Black family once rumors spread that their eldest was to attend the same year as him. 

On the first day of school, Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor - making headlines across Europe. The beloved child of Orion and Walburga had betrayed the noble and most ancient house of Black. Slytherins refused to accept him, branding him as a "blood traitor", and Gryffindors ignored him due to his bloodline. Remus almost pitied the boy. Nobody should be treated like an outcast. 

Luckily for himself, James had quickly become one of his best friends after they shared a love of candy on the train ride. They bonded over their large collections of chocolate frogs cards. That same night they met Peter in the dorms, who also shared a love of food. Really, they owed their friendship to chocolate. 

"So," Remus begins. Sirius turns to him, and the idea of speaking suddenly doesn't feel like a good one anymore. "Um, how do you like Hogwarts?" He internally curses himself for asking such a stupid question. "I mean," he quickly adds, "What's your favorite subject?" The silence is unbearably painful; Remus' cheeks are growing redder every moment Sirius doesn't speak.  "Personally I really enjoy Charms."

Sirius takes out his clothes for the night, laying his robes on the end of his bed. 

"Well it's late and I'll probably go to bed now. Got to get up bright and early for Transfiguration, right?" Remus nervously laughs. He sits on his bed, shutting the curtain to slam his head on the pillow in embarrassment. 

Remus stares at the ceiling trying to comprehend everything. Sirius Black is their new roommate? Sirius Black. Martin, their old roommate, was always hanging out with his best friend in Ravenclaw. Remus never really minded him, he was always just there. The only thing he was grateful for, was that Martin always went to bed early. The bloke could sleep through a hurricane. Now that Sirius was would he hide his secret?

He rolls onto his side, the curtains shifting ever so slightly. Through the small sliver of space, Remus could see Sirius unbutton the last of his white collared shirt, tugging it off. His arms are toned with veins running down to his hands. From the side, Sirius' exposed chiseled abs shone under the moonlight, highlighting the deep carved out V leading into his black trousers.

Remus takes a deep breath, but can't find it in himself to look away. Sirius turns around, facing his back to Remus, and undoes his belt. Grey boxer briefs conceal his lower region, fitting tightly in all the right places. When he moves again, Remus can clearly see the bulge in his front causing his breath to hitch. He hastily turns over in his bed, covering his face with his blankets. 

Abigail, Remus reminds himself. I'm in love with Abigail McHealy. 

"I like DADA," Sirius admits out loud, breaking Remus' thoughts. "If you were really wondering."

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