Forty Five

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Remus tosses a handful of polaroids in the bin, laying out the rest on his bed. It's been roughly over a month since Abigail had been expelled from Hogwarts. Life was different. But in a good way.

Except today. Today was especially different.

The oddness had begun early in the morning:

"Remus!" Peter shouts joyously bounding out of bed. James swipes his curtains aside, glaring at Peter. "It's Saturday!" Peter finishes meekly. "I love Saturday's. Mary likes Saturday's."

"Good to know," Remus replies skeptically.

"Well, I'm going to see Lily," James announces.

"Me too!" Peter says joining him. "Well, not Lily. I'm going to see Mary. Because we're dating." He throws on a new shirt, fluffing his hair slightly. "Bye Remus! Have a good Saturday!"

It was odd, but Remus didn't think much of it. Peter was always a little odd in the morning. He carries on with his day, though he had nothing planned really. As said, James and Peter were gone. It was like they had disappeared from the castle completely. Not once had Remus seen them since the morning. But then he sees Lily in the Great Hall.

"Hello Lily," Remus greets sitting across from her. "I thought you were with James."

Lily's eyes widen, but she plays if off casually. "I was. I needed a break from him." She chews a crisp slowly, avoiding his eye.

Remus chuckles. "Well, do you want to do hang out?"

"I'm sorry." Lily frowns, patting her mouth with the corner of her napkin. "I promised Hestia I would help her with some homework."

"No problem. I'll just go find Sirius, I suppose."

Hestia Jones doing homework was a funny thought. Let alone on a Saturday. She was the 'wait until Monday morning' type of student. James and Peter weren't in the common room when he arrived, only adding to Remus' suspicion. It wasn't like them to disappear for hours. Peter needs a snack almost every hour, and James can't go five minutes without talking to somebody new. The second Remus pushes open the door, Sirius scrambles in his bed, shoving things away under his covers.

"Hey Moony," Sirius says with a slightly higher tone than usual. "What's up?"

"I was looking for you," Remus answers. He eyes the lumps under the blankets and raises an eyebrow. "What're you doing?"

"Oh nothing." Sirius slams his hand down on the lump, flattening it out. "Just hanging out."

"Well, do you want to do something?"

Sirius yawns loudly, stretching his arms out. "You know, I would love too, but I can't." He swipes aimlessly for his bed hangings when he finally grasps them, slowly drawing them to a close. "I'm very tired. I'm going to take a nap! Don't check on me for the next thirty to forty minutes!"

Remus rolls his eyes, hurrying down to the common room. Marlene and Alice are playing wizards chess on the table. "Hey, have you two seen James or Peter around?" he asks while passing them. "I haven't seen them all day."

Marlene shakes her head. "No, sorry," she replies, watching her knight destroy Alice's bishop.

"Maybe they don't want you to find them," Alice suggests. "Ow!" She stretches her leg out from under the table, rubbing her shin gently. "I mean, maybe they're just not where you are."

"Sorry Remus," Marlene butts in. "Haven't seen them."

Remus groans, heading back up to the dorm. Sirius was playing music from his bed, though the curtains were still drawn tightly. His humming could be heard from a mile away. "Sleeping my ass," Remus mutters. He flops onto his own bed, staring around the empty dorm. The books on his nightstand weren't stacked neatly, as he'd left them before, but completely disarray. He picks up his small box behind them and pulls out his stack of polaroids. There were a few he never wanted to see again, most of which included Abigail, and so he tosses them into the bin on the ground. The rest he splays across his bed.

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