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A small black haired girl runs along the walls leading to Professor Binns' classroom. Her ponytail sways side to side with each bound, held back by a pink ribbon. She is actually a 4th year, though many people confused her for being a second year due to her size.

"Sirius!" she squeals, hurrying to catch up with the 6th year. Sirius mumbles something incoherent but never stops. "Hey Sirius!" she says again once matched with his pace. Her big brown doe eyes stare up at him.

"Hello Francesca," he greets with a forced smile.

Her face grimaces at the use of her full name, "Don't call me that."

"That's your name, isn't it?" He smirks when she grunts in annoyance. "What do you want?"

Her face brightens again when she recalls the purpose of annoying Sirius. "You said you would help me practice for quidditch tryouts."

"I don't remember saying so."

"You did! It was three weeks ago. I asked and you said you would!"

"I believe I said 'Go away or I'll hex you'."

"Please Sirius? It'll only be a little while."

Sirius stares down at her eyes brimming with hope. "Fine," he huffs.

"Thank you!" She wraps her thin arms around his waist and he pushes her off. "I'll see you on the pitch before dinner!"

She runs off the other direction, having passed Professor Binns' classroom while pestering Sirius. He hikes his bag higher on his shoulder and walks into Charms. The first person to turn around is Abigail McHealy. She sneers at him while affectionately rubbing Remus' hand.

Sirius takes his seat beside James towards the back of the classroom. He's got a snitch clutched under his hand and a small pocket knife.

"I get why you don't like McHealy," Sirius whispers setting his bag down.

"Annoying, isn't she?" James says blowing the dust off of his snitch.

Sirius peeks over to read the engraving on the snitch. "L.E.?"

James' cheeks turn a shade brighter and he shrugs, shoving the snitch away into his pocket. "It's nothing," he dismisses. "Wanna help me later?"

"What did you have in mind?"

An all too familiar smirk snakes across James' face. He leans in, divulging in his plan to prank the Ravenclaws at dinner in a hushed whisper. Sirius eagerly nods at the idea, glancing up to see Remus already looking over. The latter boy's eyes dart away, unsurprisingly accompanied by Abigail's grubby hands rubbing his back.

"How long have they been dating?" Sirius asks.

"Too long," James responds.




"I can't do this anymore," Abigail groans, throwing down her quill. "Can we take a break?"

Remus mumbles in agreement, though never puts his quill down. A tight squeeze on his upper thighs causes him to jolt and send his work flying off the bed. Abigail licks her lips and pushes their textbooks on the floor along with Remus' homework. She crawls up to him, snaking her hands around his neck and straddles his lap.

"Abigail," Remus protests.

Her slim fingers unbutton his already disheveled white shirt. She rips it apart, fanning her hands over his exposed torso. Though Remus was far more lean than muscular, he had a tight pack of abs and toned arms that nobody ever saw behind his robes.

Remus let his hands rest on her waist, leaning back into the kiss. Her hand reaches over his, moving it up under her shirt and over her bra. Remus moves his hand back to her waist and continued to keep the kiss light hearted. The back and forth happens twice before Abigail gives up and takes her shirt off. She pushes him back flat on the bed and moves his hands to her thighs, just at the end of her skirt.

Remus follows along, as he usually does when Abigail gets in these moods, letting his hand trail upwards. It wasn't that he didn't have feelings for Abigail. He just didn't have those feelings for her.

"Remus," Abigail moans.

Remus opens his eyes, staring up at the ceiling while her tongue gently assaults his own.

"Do you have it?" she asks in a breathless whisper, reaching for his belt buckle.

He leans up on his elbows, "Have what?"

"A condom."

His eyes widen at the idea of having sex and sits up abruptly. "Um, I don't think -"

"Remus you always say that." Her fingers brush lazily through his hair, causing it to stick up. "Why don't you ever want to have sex with me?"

"It's not that I don't."


Why don't I? Remus thinks desperately. "I don't want anybody to walk in on us," he partially lies.

Abigail slumps in thought. Remus studies her carefully when she finally lets out a sigh. "Okay."

"Hey," Remus says reaching up to brush her hair behind her ear. "We will soon, okay? Just not now."

The doorhandles jiggles and James walks in, immediately shielding his eyes. Remus pulls the blanket from the bottom of the bed and quickly covers Abigail, giving her an "I told you so" look.

"For the love of Hufflepuff! Ever heard of putting a sock on the door?" James says making a beeline for his trunk.

"It's not like we were having sex," Abigail grumbles.

"Like anybody would want to sleep with you."

"It's not like I hear rumors about you shagging anyone lately, Potter."

"That's because they scream so loud they can't speak for weeks."

"I think it's getting late," Remus interrupts, standing up before Abigail can retort something spiteful. He fumbles with the buttons on his shirt and hands Abigail hers. "I'll walk you down to the Common Room."

James sticks his tongue out at Abigail when she passes and quickly turns around when Remus shoots him a dirty look.

Remus guides her down the stairs with his hand on the small of her back, placing a chaste kiss on her cheek. "Goodnight."

"I love you," she whispers.

He nods, the words becoming numb to him. They were said so often it became an automatic response, "Love you, too."

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