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Remus headed towards his fourth class of the day - Potions. He wasn't particularly fond of it, but that may be because it's his worst subject. And the fact that it was with Slytherins. James was running back to the dorms to retrieve his forgotten textbook, and dragged Peter along with him, leaving Remus all to himself. Well, not necessarily all alone.

A few feet ahead, Sirius Black was walking at a rather slow pace. His black hair blew in the breeze as he strolled through the courtyard, like it would in some sort of movie. The way he walks - long strides with a tall posture - exudes a sort of confidence Remus wished to have. However, just the mere presence of Sirius was enough for two second years to dart across the grass rather than walk near him. 

Remus sped up to match Sirius, immediately starting a conversation before he chickened out. "Hey Sirius," Remus greets with a friendly smile. Sirius looks at him with confusion, but doesn't reply. "What did you have for lunch?" Before he can even give Sirius the option not to respond, he quickly continues, "I had a great turkey wrap with crisps and pumpkin juice. Except sometimes I can't have it because Abigail is kind of allergic to pumpkins."

"Abigail?" Sirius questions.

Remus internally sighs, relieved that the conversation wasn't going to be entirely one sided. "She's my girlfriend," he answers. 

"How can you be kind of allergic to something?"

"Well, I don't know. It irritates her tongue or something like that." Sirius scoffs, picking up the pace as they descend down the stairs to the dungeons. "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"You know you don't have to talk to me just now that we sleep in the same room."

Remus shrugs, hiking his bag up higher on his shoulder. "I know. I just thought we could be friends."

Sirius swung the door to Slughorn's classroom open, pausing momentarily. "Why?"

"Why not?"

Remus grabs the door as Sirius enters, holding it open for the girl following in behind him. The students are stood in a clump near the back of the classroom, naturally divided by houses. Remus follows Sirius towards the side of the classroom, leaning against the wall as they wait for more instructions from Professor Slughorn. 

The pudgy man is running back and forth preparing things into his cauldron while the last of the students - i.e. James and Peter - come rushing in before the last bell. The two boys hurry to stand by Remus, both gasping for a breath form their sprint.

"Mate when I tell you Peeves hates Peter, he hates Peter," James tells with an amused smile. Remus leans forwards, glancing at Peter who was sitting on the ground, fanning himself with his book. "The bloody poltergeist chased us all through the fifth floor because Pete sneezed three times in a row and interrupted his nap. Took us forever to ditch him."

Slughorn clears his throat, gaining the attention of the students he stands before. His trembling hands unfold a scroll. "New partners," he announces with a cheery grin. A collective groan arises from both houses, but Slughorn dismisses them as he walks along each table reading the names aloud. "Fontana, Blive, Nott, and Pettigrew." 

Both James and Remus sent the final of their trio a sorrowful look. Fontana was a nice Gryffindor, but Blive and Nott were rumored Death Eaters. Peter stood no chance alone. 

"Potter, Mulciber, McHealy, and Snape," Slughorn announced pointing to the third station. 

"I think you meant Evans, not Snape," James spoke up. He winked at Lily across the way, receiving her classic eye roll in return. 

Slughorn traced the names with his finger to make sure he hadn't misread the names. "Very funny Mr. Potter. But that is the correct table." He moved along to the next, pushing up his thinly rimmed glasses. Two more stations went by until there were only four students left standing. "Lupin, Black, Avery, and Evans."

As soon as Lily's name was called, James shot his hand in the air. "Professor Slughorn, I can't really see the board from here. I think I should switch with Avery."

Avery turned around, the vein in his thick neck popping out. "As much as I hate Potter, I agree," he says, scratching his forearm through his robes. 

"No, no," Slughorn says waving them off. "That's the seating arrangement."

James slumps into his stool, drumming his finger along the table. Straight ahead he can see Lily's perfect red hair, though Snape's greasy nose is somewhat in the way. Of course they got the best table - aside from Avery. Maybe if they switched tomorrow Slughorn would never notice. The idea plays in James' head while Slughorn goes over instructions, but is rudely interrupted when Abigail pulls his arm. 

"Ow - what?" James mumbles, retracting his hand away from her reach. 

"Are you even listening to Professor Slughorn?" Abigail questions. 

"Of course I'm not."

Across the room, Remus sits between Lily and Sirius, with Avery across from him. Slughorn had instructed them to review the history of Draught of Living Death, as it would be the first potion they brew this year. Lily already cracked her book open, and was two paragraphs deep. 

Remus skims over the first sentence, every now and then glancing up at Sirius. He was fairly sure Sirius didn't even own a Potions textbook. 

Maybe I should offer to share my book... Remus thought.

"A bit itchy there, Avery?" Sirius provokes, causing Remus and Lily to turn to the Slytherin. "Allergies, maybe? Or  a new tattoo?"

Avery scowls, moving his arm under the table. He leans forward aggressively, snarling, "What's it to you, Black? Hanging around these mudbloods -"

"Back off," Remus jumps in, moving closer to Lily. He glances back towards James to make sure he hadn't heard the conversation. The raven haired boy was sleeping on his closed book. "Let's just try to focus on the lesson and not fight. It'll make this go by a lot faster."

"And Regulus?" Sirius questions. 

Avery doesn't respond, but he doesn't have to. Sirius already knows the answer. 

Silence envelopes the table. Remus attempts to focus back on his reading, but under the table, Sirius was shaking his leg on the stool. "Are you okay?" Remus whispers. Sirius casts him a look that neither confirms nor denies his question. Slowly, Remus moves the book in between himself and Sirius with a faint smile. "Here. You can share my book." 

Remus bites his lip, inching a smidge closer; his amber eyes scan over the words, quickly becoming entranced by the story. He doesn't even notice that Sirius isn't reading at all. Lily's eyes flicker up across the table, curiously watching as Sirius starts to doodle on his parchment paper rather than take notes. Though it's upside down, she can somewhat make out what he's drawing. 

A forest. With a full moon overhead. And two dogs, it seemed. 

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