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A small brown rat scampers out of the curtains drawn around Peter's bed, falling onto the floor clumsily with a small thump. It regains its balance, scurrying to its feet when it bumps into something hard. 

James stares down at his shoe, picking up the rat by its tail. "Wormy," he harshly whispers. "Be careful." He sets the rat on his shoulder, slowly pulling a long silvery blanket like fabric from his trunk. His eyes dart to the bed beside his, biting down on his lip when the trunk lid shuts. A small sigh of relief escapes his mouth when nothing happens. 

The corridors of Hogwarts are frigid - signaling the upcoming autumnal season. Muffled footsteps can be heard amidst the whistling of the wind. In the darkness under the clock tower, James appears - his hair ruffled and glasses slightly skewed. A mischievous smirk spreads on his lips as he tucks the invisibility cloak under his arm. 

"Reckon we woke Sirius up?" James asks to the small rat on his shoulder. A small squeak sounds, and James nods in response. "You're right. I'm just being paranoid." 

At the base of the covered bridge, James stuffs the invisibility cloak behind a large boulder facing a few bushes. Glancing around cautiously, he sets Peter on the boulder and steps aside. 

Before the tiny rat's eyes stands a large stag with a shiny hazel brown coat and majestic antlers protruding from its head. 

James shakes his head, stomping his hoof against the ground. Peter climbs onto James' antlers, wrapping his tail securely around it as they take off into the night. The looming clouds above shift, revealing the full moon above, lighting the path to the whomping willow. 

A howl rips through the air - silencing the critters in the forest. 

Peter weaves through the patches of overgrown grass and bounces on the knot of the whomping willow. The tree branches freeze, allowing a large opening to appear at the base. James waits from afar, stomping his hooves on the ground excitedly. 

In a matter of seconds the rocks on the ground begin to rumble, and suddenly a large doglike beast tears through the opening. Its nails are covered in blood, and the scratches along its chest are raw. Slobber hangs from the pointed fangs protruding from its long snout just below its glowing amber eyes. 

Remus snarls at first glance, but after one sniff, he calms down. James trots over to him, nudging him playfully when a scream erupts from the Forbidden Forest. James and Remus snap their heads in the direction of the noise. Without warning, Remus darts straight for the Forbidden Forest at full speed. 

James picks up Peter with his teeth, chucking him upwards onto his antlers strategically. Not wasting a moment, he takes off, charging after Remus.

The forest is pitch black at this hour - all except the few rays of moonlight peering through the trees. James treads through the forest grounds, stomping over dead leaves and leaping over fallen trees trying to find the human before Remus can. 

Through the dark, Remus lurks in the shadows. A gust of cool wind waves under his nose, and he bursts into a long howl. 

James snaps his head up, instantly racing in the direction of Remus' howl. He knows that if anything happens tonight, Remus would never forgive himself. 

In the heart of the Forbidden Forest, a patch of moonlight shines over a clearing. A young boy in a navy cloak balances on a broken tree with an oil lantern in hand, laughing at a girl across from him. 

"Look out!" the boy shouts with mock horror. 

The girl screams, shoving him away angrily. "That's not funny!" she exclaims. 

"Oh come on. Nothing's going to hurt us."

In the distance, a twig snapping echoes. Both kids frantically search for the source, but nothing can be seen for miles. 

"I'm not playing anymore," the girl says. 

"I swear it wasn't me!"

"Come on, let's get back."

The couple heads the way they came from, walking at a quick pace in the darkness. The lantern swings wildly in the girl's hand, flashing a quick view of the terrain ahead.

Remus peers his head around the pine tree he's hiding behind, sniffing the air to catch their scent. He slowly trails behind them, watching their every move from a distance. 

"Did you hear that?" the boy says stopping in his tracks. 

"No more jokes," the girl sternly reprimands. 

"I'm serious, Bella."

Remus lurks closer, his breathing intensifying and hunger growing.

The two kids circle with their backs to each other. The girls holds the lantern out in front trying to catch a glimpse when a low growl sounds. Stormy grey eyes shine in the distance.

Remus launches forward causing both kids to scream, when a large black dog emerges into the light, tackling down Remus with a vicious bite to the leg. 

"RUN!" the girl shouts, dropping the lantern and grabbing the boy's hand.

James storms into the scene - jumping on his hind legs when he sees the two kids stumble in front him. 

Ahead, he can see Remus claw a black animal across the stomach, eliciting a whimper of pain from the animal. 

But the animal doesn't run away. It continues to fight, aggressively chasing Remus away from the kids. 

Taking the moment, James lowers down. He allows both kids climb onto his back, and runs away back to the safety of Hogwarts - the sounds of growling, clawing, and barking slowly fading in the distance.

Remus attempts to run away, but the black dog doesn't back down. Once they're far from the clearing, the black dog barks at him. Remus turns around, watching as the black dog starts to run away, glancing back as if waiting for him to join. 

The dog sprints through the forest, weaving in and out of trees trying to race him. Remus follows eagerly when James appears in the mix. The three, including Peter clinging to James' antlers for dear life, race through the Forbidden Forest together. And for the first time in a while, Remus wasn't concerned about anything else other than having fun.




A light mist covers the grounds of Hogwarts. By the time the sun breaks through the horizon, Remus is passed out in the Shrieking Shack. The black dog had since run away around the castle and disappeared, leaving James and Peter alone. 

"Shh," James reminds, slowly pushing open the door to the dorm. 

Inside, Sirius' curtains had slightly shifted revealing the dark haired boy sound asleep in his bed. 

"Night Wormtail," James whispers as he kicks off his shoes. 

"Night Prongs," Peter calls back, falling asleep the second his face hits his pillow. 

Sirius opens his eyes, staring at James who hasn't even bothered to take off his glasses before falling asleep. He rolls over onto his side, slightly wincing, and peers through the curtains at Remus' empty bed. Lifting the covers ever so slightly, his hand grazes over the deep cut in his abdomen. 

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