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      Mary Margaret looked at Emma as they walked. "Emma you can't be helping her. We don't know when she's going to try to kill you again."
     Emma ignored her. She walked into the house.
    Regina was standing by a small case. "You have newspaper clippings of the battles?" She asked.
     Emma shrugged. "To keep track of how many times you lose." She said.
    Regina clenched her fists but kept looking at the clippings.
    "How do you feel?" Emma asked. "Well enough to tell me who hurt you?"
      Regina dropped her gaze. "Not That well." She said and turned away from the case. "I'm okay."
     Emma walked over. "You look awful."
      Regina crosses her arms. "You don't look too good either." She said.
       Emma shrugged. "Okay if you don't want help then I won't give you any." She snapped.
      Regina looked at her. Her mouth opened and closed quickly. Mary Margaret shifted uncomfortably in the corner of the room.
     Regina walked to the door. "Thank you. I'll remember what you did for me at our next battle." She said and shut the door behind her.
      Regina walked quickly to her house. It was large but hidden. She had slipped through the forest. No one in the town knew where she lived. Otherwise they would have gotten to her by now.
    Regina looked down as she entered her house. "I guess they already have." She said softly and shut the door behind her.
     "Already have Done what?" A familiar voice that send shivers down her spine said.
     Regina felt the pain before she saw the blood. It soaked through her shirt.
      Regina found herself a few hours later on the ground of her house. A similar state as when she went to Emma.
     Blood seeped from her wounds and onto her ground.
    "You threatened her by saying you would do another battle. I am going to make sure that your last battle is the absolute last." The man snapped and kicked her square in the ribs. Regina watched him walk out of the house. Regina closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. She had to find help. She didn't want to go back to Emma's house. But she knew there was a very high possibility that she wouldn't make it if she didn't.
      Regina forced herself to stand. Pain rocketed through her. Her kneecap tried to give out. It felt off. Pain shot through her leg as she forced herself to take a step.
     She forced herself outside. Her mind was swimming. She walked through the wood and found herself at the house she didn't want to be at the most.
    Emma as usual had a swarm of people outside her house. A redo party Regina assumed.
     Emma must have seen Regina's coming however because she was already pushing past people to get to her. She grabbed Regina before she could collapse. "I got you." She whispered. Emma clearly didn't care what the others thought.
     Regina looked at Emma. "I'm sorry. I didn't intend to come back here."
    Emma pulled Regina into her arms. "I'm glad that you did." She said and walked inside. She slammed the door and made everyone else leave or go outside. She walked upstairs and grabbed a new set of clothing. She knew what to do this time.
     Regina wash cleaned up and sat on Emma's bed. "Why are you helping me? I've tried to kill you. Many times."
     Emma sat behind her and towel dried Regina's hair gently. "If it were me I would want someone too. You need help Regina. And I'm here to give you that."
      Regina looked at her body. It seemed that not even an inch was without bruising and cuts. "My knee-"
     "Shattered. At least that's what it looks like. I can't tell for sure."
      Regina shut her mouth and looked down. Emma Combed through the wet curls and piled Regina's curls into a bun.
     Emma stood up. "You need to tell me who's hurting you Regina. I'm not taking no for an answer."
     Regina shifted and sucked in a sharp breath. "I can't. He's close to you." She mumbled.
  Emma sat in front of Regina's now. "Regina. You said he wouldn't come back. He did. I need to know who he is."
Regina brushed a stray hair out of her face. She winced and pressed a hand against her side. "I warned you."
Emma didn't always like this girl but seeing her in pains gave her heart a pang. "Who was it?"
Regina looked at her. Her eyes filled with pain. "Your father."

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