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Regina crosses her arms and looked at the bed. She wasn't prepared to make the bed. She grabbed the fitted sheet and began to make the bed.
Her side was still bleeding. She only noticed when a drop of blood landed on her hand. She got up and checked to see if any got on the sheets. None did but it was now seeping through her shirt. Regina growled in frustration.
"Need help?" Henry's gentle voice asked.
Regina turned to face him. "I don't want to get the new sheets dirty." She said.
He looked at her side. "You should show mum that."
"No." She said quickly. "No."
    Henry sighed and walked over to the bed. He pulled the sheets onto the bed and made it quickly and easily. Regina crosses her arms and winced. Her side bleeding more.
    Henry looked at her. "You have to go to Mum."
Regina shook her head. "No. She doesn't need to help me every single time I get hurt."
Henry looked at her. "She likes you."
Regina froze. "What?"
"I heard her talking to grandma. She said she had feelings for you. I don't know what kind but she blushed when grandma asked what kind of feelings. Then I went to bed." He said.
Regina furrowed her brows. "After everything I've down for her she still wants to help me?"
Henry nodded. "And I want to help you too. Now come on."
He walked Regina downstairs. Regina stopped at the window. "Henry there's people here an-"
"No one will hurt you." He said and led her downstairs.
"Mum?" Henry asked.
Regina looked down and pressed her hand to her side.
Emma looked over. Quite a few town members were seated around her. "Yes Henry?"
Henry pulled Regina in. She kept her gaze on the ground. "She was having difficulty with the bed. If you can't tell." He said.
Regina gave him a ride look. He didn't seem scared this time. He was the opposite. He stuck his tongue out at her.
Regina's eyes widened.
Emma stood and walked over. "What? Have you ever had a child stick their tongue out at you?"
Regina looked at Henry. "You're not scared of me?"
He shook his head. "I have no reason to be. You haven't tried to hurt me."
"Maybe you're just not a scary as you think." Emma said and pressed her hand lightly on Regina's side. Regina gave her a glare and sucked in a sharp breath.
"Ouch." She said quietly.
Emma turned to the people. "I'll be back." She took Regina's hand and led her to the bathroom. Emma lifted her shirt. "Regina it'll never heal if you keep being rough."
     "I was making the bed Emma. How rough could I have been?" She asked.
    Emma looked at her and pulled out the first aid kit. "Do you want to redo the stitches?"
     Regina shook her head. "Just take these ones out and wrap it. I don't mind a scar." Regina said.
     "Oh I know." Emma said and began to take the stitches out.
     Regina looked at her cut. Emma reaches for the medication and began to clean the wound. Emma then wrapped it and walked to a closet. "I always have an extra shirt because Henry always seems to need me when I'm showering." Emma explained and handed it to Regina.
    Regina thanked her and pulled on the new shirt. Emma placed her shirt in the laundry hamper and led Regina out.
    Regina sucked past the other people and Henry grabbed her hand. "Let's make a cake or something."
    "Random." Regina said. "I don't bake."
    "So? I do." Henry said and Emma watched him lead Regina into the kitchen.
     "You let him near her?" A female whispered to Emma.
    Emma nodded.
     Regina looked at the counter as Henry pulled out the ingredients. "What kind of cake?"
Regina shrugged and touched the bowl.
He handed her the eggs. "Crack those for me."
Regina did as he told her to and cracked the eggs. She threw away the shells and Henry poured some more ingredients in. "Can you stir?" He asked.
Regina nodded and stirred the mix. She felt slightly warm as she did so.
Henry looked at her and pressed a hand to her forehead. "You're warm."
Regina shrugged. "I'm okay." She said and continued to stir the food.
Henry took the stirred mix and poured it in a cake pan. He had the oven preheated and slipped it in. "Now we wait."
Regina nodded and leaned on the counter. She crossed her arms. "You're not scared of me?"
He shook his head. "Not anymore."

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