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Regina woke still holding Henry. Her fever was raging. She heard a bang coming from the gate outside. Henry heard it too and he show up and ran to the window.
      Regina was too weak. She couldn't muster the energy to get to her feet.
       "It's my mom and the others!" He shouted and opened the window. "Mom!"
       Regina closed her eyes and laid against the wall. "Let them in." She whispered.
      She heard Henry run from the room.
      Regina was shaking from the fever. She held a hand on her stomach and let out a small breath. "Everything will be okay." She whispered.
      She heard everyone run into the castle. They were looking for her. They yelled angry. Regina opened her eyes. Her lips felt numb and her skin was clammy. She jumped as the door flew open.
      Leroy was the first to enter. He didn't hesitate to grab her and hold her against the wall. His hands around her neck. "I'm going to kill you!" He snapped.
       "No! Let go of her!" Henry yelled and ran and moved in between Leroy and Regina. The older man released Regina and she fell to the floor.
        Henry knelt beside Regina. Emma walked into the room. He looked at her. "You shot her. I think it's infected."
       Regina closed her eyes and felt Emma's cool hands against her cheek. "She burning." Emma whispered. "We have to get her home. She'll never make it in this world without medical care."
      Regina shook her head. "N-no. M-Mal-"
      "I'm here dear." The women said and knelt beside Emma. "Don't worry about my daughter. We can figure something else out. You dying isn't worth it." Maleficent said softly.
       Regina opened her eyes. "N-no. I didn't come here fro nothing." She whispered. "W-were getting your d-daughter back." She whispered.
       Emma looked around. "Then someone needs to find gold. Because she will not make it if we don't."
       Regina looked at Emma. She closed her eyes. "I'm sorry."
      Emma brushes Regina's hair out of the way. "Shh. It'll be okay Regina." She said and softly and kissed Regina's burning forehead. "I'm here now."

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