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Regina sat in the castle. Fever raged through her form the wound. She tried to clean it and heal it but her magic wouldn't work. She had waited too long and had grown weak from the wound.
      She listened to Henry scream for his mother from the other room. It sent shivers through her. It would only be a matter of time until Emma and the rest of the town arrived. Regina just had to wait.
      Until then, she had to try and stay awake. She didn't trust the injury.
      She closed her eyes and held a hand to her burning forehead. "Come on Mal." She whispered. They had been there for nearly a week. And still no sign of anyone.
      Regina only seemed to grow more weak. The injury without proper care was infected. She tried her best to clean it but without proper medical care she didn't know what to do. She hoped her baby was alright and she hoped someone would arrive soon.
       Henry screamed again. His voice raw with pain. Regina felt a tear slide down her cheek. She hated doing this. Henry didn't deserve it.
       Regina forced herself to her feet. Black dots filled her vision for a second and she felt uneasy on her feet. She walked to the door of the other room and pushed it open. "Henry please-"
       "I'll never forgive you!" Henry yelled.
       Regina leaned on the doorframe and winced. She was exhausted. "You haven't even let me explain-"
      "My mother could have helped! But you dragged me away from her!" He snapped. "I hate you!"
       Regina opened her eyes and looked at the boy. He was filled with anger and pain. She sighed. "Henry I'm sorry." She whispered. "Your mom is going to be here soon."
       "How do you know that?! She should have been here by now! I might never see her again!" He snapped and ran over and began punching her in the chest. Regina grabbed his hands and pulled him into her arms. She sank to the floor and rocked the child back and Forth. He continued to scream yell and hit Regina, but she held him tight.
      "I'm sorry Henry." She whispered. "I'm so sorry." She said again and again and rocked him back and until he stopped screaming. He sat against her burning body. Once a screaming mess, Henry now sat sobbing against Regina's chest. Regina closed her eyes. "I'm sorry."

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