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Emma walked over to Henry. She looked at Regina. "I'll help you. If you will let me."
Regina smiled slightly. "You can't help me. I'm not able to be fixed." She said softly.
Emma looked at her. "No you're not."
Regina didn't respond. She kept her face away. Emma sighed and took Henry's hand. "We will Leave you to rest. My offer still stands Regina. Goodnight."
Regina heard the door shut. She closed her eyes and let out a shaky breath. She was too far gone to be fixed. She knew that. Everyone knew that. Why didn't emma?

Regina slammed into the base of a tree. She landed hard against the wood. Her breath knocked out of her.
Emma looked at her. "I don't want I hurt you Regina. You just have to stop trying to fight me." She said looked at Regina.
Regina stood up. "Easier said then done. What if I don't want to stop?" She snapped and landed her fist into Emma's jaw.
Emma slammed Regina hard against the tree. Her head slammed against it with a sickening crack and she felt blood soak her hair. Emma narrowed her eyes. "I know you don't want to fight. One I can see that is leaves you in pain. You haven't healed form any of the injuries you've gotten lately. And two you've told me Regina. You told me you didn't want to be the villain."
Regina pushed Emma off of her. "I changed my mind." She snapped and kicked Emma hard in the ribs.
Emma hardly flinched. She was all too used to this.
She grabbed Regina's shirt and pulled her back. Regina winced. "I will beat you." She sneered.
Emma pushed Regina to the floor. "No. You won't."
Regina landed on the concrete. She ducked in a breath and closed her eyes. "I changed my mind." She said softly.
Emma pulled Regina up. "Regina you don't want to fight me."
Regina was bent slightly with her arm around her waist. "I just-" She looked at her arm. Blood covered her arm. Emma was right. Her injuries were far from healed.
Regina looked at Emma. "I'm done." She said softly. "I'm done fighting you."
Emma nodded. "I know." She said and wrapped her arms around Reginas waist.
Regain felt wet on her face. She looked up. Rain began to fall. Slowly then gradually picking up speed. Emma walked her past the people of the town. "Let's get you cleaned up." She whispered. "Then we can talk."
Regina let out a struggling breath. "I'm sorry emma."   
     "Hush. It's okay." Emma said and gripped her tightly. "Come on." She led Regina to her house.
    Henry looked at her as she walked in. "Are you going to help her?"
    Regina closed her eyes. She felt bad. Henry didn't deserve these things that Regina did to his mother.
     Emma sat Regina's on the couch. "Henry can you get me a damp cloth and the first said kit?"
   She heard Henry day yes.
    Regina opened her eyes. She saw a dark bruise on Emma's chin. "Sorry." She said.
    Emma shrugged. "You always land at least one good bruise during our fights."
     Regina dropped her gaze. "I'm sorry."
    Emma lifted her shirt to show her ribs. "You always land good ones right here." Emma said. Her ribs were black and blue.
    Regina looked at Emma. "Right." She said softly.
    Emma dropped her shirt. "It's nothing compared to your bruises Regina. I don't think you realize how bad you look. There's no spot without a bruise."
     Regina looked at Emma. "I've been worse."
Emma looked down. "I know." Henry walked in the room and handed Emma the towel and walked over to Regina. He was uneasy but sat beside her.
"You have a cut on your forehead." He said softly. Emma pressed the damp cloth to Regina's forehead and wiped the blood off of her face.
Henry pulled out some cleaning supplies. "This'll hurt."
He began to clean up Regina's cuts. Regina looked at her hands. Even those were covered in bruises.
Emma looked at her hands. She sucked in a sharp breath and gripped the towel tightly.
Regina looked at her. "Emma?" She asked.
Emma looked at her. "Hmm?"
Regina gently pushed Henry's hand away and stood up. "You're uneasy."
Emma set the towel down. "I can't believe my father hurt you like that." She said softly.
Regina furrowed her brows. "It's okay Emma."
Emma shook her head. "I don't care what you've done Regina. I forgive you ever single time we fight each other. You didn't deserve what he did to you."
Regina looked at Emma. "You forgive me?"

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