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This story mainly focuses on the traditional girl and the cricketer.


Hi my name is priya murugesan, i am 22 years old. I just now completed my CA but i have never experienced a college life as after my schooling i joined  CA foundation and i completed my CA in 4 years its my fathers dream that i should complete my CA so now i joined college to know about the college life which is of my dream. I know it is weird that i am joining college late as now in my age all would have finished their college but i want to experience it once so i joined.

My life is totally different and small, i was born and bought up in a traditional family of course i can wear modern dress but the dress must be decent, i love my parents alot and they also love me and pamper me alot as i am their one and only child so they pamper me alot, I am from a middle class family so their are lots of restrictions in my life, but i love to enjoy my life even my parents support my decision as they know that i will never take a wrong decision in my life.

But in one case i cannot take decision is ARRANGED MARRIAGE, because i think that in arranged marriage we cannot find love, but i cant go against my parents because still now they have supported me in my every decision so i think this decision will be taken by them.
But i like love marriage because after you fall in love than only marriage but in case of arrange marriage we dont even know we will fall in love or not.
By talking i forgot today is my first day in college so i have to go bye.


Hi i am karthik chander, i am 24 years old. I love cricket from the age of 5 i started my cricket practice from the age of 10 my passion, my goals, my life everything is cricket and family for me. I started my career in cricket when i was 18 first i was not that much good in cricket that they rejected me but after the rejection i tried hard and got select and now i am the CAPTAIN OF INDIAN CRICKET TEAM and not only that i have even completed my MBA as it was my parents wish.

I would have not achieved this extent without my family who were my backbone. I have a huge family Yes i am a family oriented guy, i have a elder brother and a younger sister who i pamper alot and my bhabhi ( sister in law) who pamper me alot the most important person in my family is our little angel ahana ( my brother's daughter) who is 4 years old but an important person for everyone in our family and last but not least my mom and dad who are a love bird yes me, my brother and my sister call them as love bird as still know there love has never decreased in any situation.

But i hate one thing from my mother it is she keep on asking when i will get married, when i will get settled but i am scared of marriage yeah i am scared because after marriage a cricketer start losing in cricket its my perception dont ask then how dhoni is playing good even after his marriage because he is talented.

i am not interested in love marriage and i am scared of arrange marriage also always i ask a question to my brother and father as thier marriage was arranged " can we find love in arrange marriage" ?

I dont even believe in love marriage also. Dont think that i am against love and hate love its that i cant select a girl as proper as my parents do they selected my bhabhi who love everyone in the family more than my brother, who has never shouted at me or my sister if we enter their room without knocking, who pamper me and my sister alot. Even i want a girl who will understand me and my family and the girl who will understand why i am
scared of marriage because cricket is my life so i am scared to take risk i am waiting for a right girl maybe after seeing her, talking to her maybe my scaredness can fade away i want a girl who can fade my scaredness.

But i cant get married so soon i am just 24 years old how can i get married so soon.

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