part 5

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It has been 1 week after meeting her, i dont know why i always think about her, i have seen so many girls in my life their are girls who kissed me as they where very excited after seeing me but she is not a girl like them i guess she wont even been having a crush on any celebrity for sure.

I dont know what feeling is this i can't even guess this feeling i have not spoke to her alot but i can guess her character, her behavior, her everything i can understand, i dont know why i feel happy whenever i think about her it make me feel complete but what is this feeling which i have never felt before i am changing her words as double meaning i mean when she said " i am waiting" it was like "all the best i am waiting for you to win the match" that day still now i am just keep on thinking about her i am waiting word which had one more meaning. My thoughts where broke by mahi bhai, yeah i forget to say today we have a match and this match is important for us its india vs australia, which is really tough to win but indian want giveup easily. but know what mahi bhai said startled me.
MAHI BHAI : are you thinking about any girl?
He asked which shocked me but i asked him
ME : what made you think like that ?
I asked because i was shocked how could he easily find i was talking with her.
MAHI BHAI : because you were smiling like a idiot and i am calling you from past 5 mintues but you were in your own dream that you could not come out from that.
Oh my god i got caught because of Ms. Fairy i am always getting caught i dont know why but i feel shy whenever i get caught that too by my family and friend but i tried to tell him lies which i can never say
ME : no bhai i was not thinking about Ms. Fairy.
MAHI BHAI (smriking) : but i did not mention Ms. Fairy.
He said smriking at me which made me blush a little but i hidded it and said
KARTHIK: yes actually i asked her to see today match that all nothing as you think.
MAHI BHAI : as you say

And we left  the match started at 5 but i know she would have been waiting from 4 i dont know how but i know what she will be doing oh god karthik now focus on match i was the opening batsman but before i start i remembered she said she could not see my face because of helmet so i took off my helmet and faced camera and winked like telling her that i remember her suggestion and my promise and i scored 50 i again removed my helmet and faced the camera and smiled and niw my score is 94 i thought to hit a six but hitting six is risk so i thought to play safely but i dont know why her words were running in my mind that i am waiting which made hit the ball up which was a six i was shocked her words had this much power that made me hit a six, i cant understand she is confusing me.
Fielding was easy at last bowl i made a wicket again because of her.

We won the match, i was man of the series.i thanked my team member, my family and my fans who support me in every situation.

Atlast i thanked her yes the was she inspired me i mean she just said face to face i liked the way she said that she could see my face that why she could not identify me and i even added that she must be seeing this now ya i believe she must be seeing this now.
After that we all went to changing room when mahi bhai asked me
Who was the girl

MAHI BHAI : was that girl Ms. Fairy did you meet her ?
He asked which made me smile and i nodded as yes and said him everything and even i said this.

ME : she is just a magic bhai i mean her words give me more confidence in me, i dont know what is this feeling but she is just a fairy who came from heaven.

mahi bhai just smiled at him he did not say anything after that even i left home to see my beautiful family.


it has been 10 days after his match i was really happy for him and even i was feeling proud of him, i am always ending up thinking about him, his brown eyes, his sweet gesture, his handsome face and i even researched about him alot the one main thing surprised me is that "HE NEVER HAD A GIRLFIREND NOR HAS NOW" which shocked me of course all celebrity will be having a girlfriend but he is not that type of guy, he is one women boy which suprised me to hell. My thought were broke by a clearing sound oh shoot i am eating dinner with my parents but instead i was thinking about him or in other wotds i can say i was dreaming about him but now my father got my attention, today he is looking so seroius even my look serious i dont know why my father started the conversation with shocked me to the core what are they talking about.

FATHER: priya you are 22 in some month you are going to be 23 actually yesterday me and your mom went to meet my old friend do you remember.
He asked i just nodded i dont know what he is going to say

FATHER: so yesterday he asked your hand for his son.
What did my father just say now did i heared correctly did he just say that i should get married, my eyes were filled with tears and my father continued.

FATHER: i know you want to study and the boy's family dont have any problem with your studies.
He finished but i asked them
ME : how can you people do this with me i mean i am just 22 i have more dream and wishes in my life cant i even live for 2 years or more.
This time my mom spoke.
MOM : please try to understand our situation priya your father is already 56 he can work only upto 60 he should save some money before retirement and we should even pay the loan which we took for your marriage please try to understand our situation.

You know what priya its more hard for us than you we cant live without you but what can we do you are a girl, and one more reason is that we know the boy family so their will not be any problem for you, we want your happiness priya, we have seen the boy family they are really very kind, very sweet family they will take care of you like their own daughter and which will be a relief for us that we gave you in a good family.

We are not going to force you, take two days time and say us your decision.

With that my mother put a halt.

But whatever my mother said was correct yes being a girl it is very difficult and my parents pov is also correct they want to accept this relationship because they know the family and which will be a relief for them my mom gave me two days time but i am saying my decision now itself.

ME: i am ready for this relationship but i need to meet the boy and his family thfn only i will agree.
As i said immediately my mom and my dad hugged me tightly.

My parents happiness is my happiness so when they are happy with this realtion even i am happy.

Immediately my mother called someone and said that i am ok with meeting their family oh now i got to know my mom and informed my soon to be future in- law's.
But i dont know why i feel happy may be this is my destiny, but i should talk to that guy and say him my pov and my dreams.

Tomorrow i am going to meet that guy but i dont know what i am going to talk with him and i dont even know how he look my mother came to say me about him and was About to show his pic but i was not interested in seeing in pic i mean i wanted to see him in really.
Tomorrow will be a big day thinking about this i dirfted into sleep.

Thats it for today keep guessing who is her future hubby, if their is any mistakes sorry please vote and comment. Thank you for the votes and comments for previous chapters.

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