part 35

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i dont know how this 2 days went so fast i just want the time to stop and i want to spend more time with priya because i will miss her like a hell, i feel like i am leaving my heart here and going.

I dont wont to go but i have to go, i started packing my bags and priya is helping me and she asked me.

PRIYA : when is your flight

KARTHIK : tonight at 12 but i have to start at 8 so i can reach on time.

She nodded her head and again started packing i went near her and pulled her towards me and hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead she did not cry she broke the hug and what is said made me proud of her.

PRIYA : i wont cry karthik because you make us proud so go happily and win the thropy and make us proud.

She said this and kissed my cheek and continued

PRIYA : ofcourse i will miss you that time i will call you for sure.
And dont forget to give me a flying kiss when you hit 50 or 100.

What she said made me smile and i replied to her in a husky voice.

KARTHIK : if you were near me when i hit 50 or 100 i would have directly kissed your lips.

She was blushing profusely by my comments only i can make her blush in this world and what she said next made me shock.

PRIYA : thats also a good idea a kiss in the middle of the ground so many people will be looking at us with open mouth and some will be closing their eyes, how romantic karthik it will be fun.

I gave her a look like are you mad or what she shrugged her shoulder and started packing my bag and i kissed her cheek and we started to do our work.

Its time to leave i hugged my parents and took their blessing and even my mother - in - law and father - in - law came to wish me i hugged them and took their blessing, i hugged shreya and kissed ahana cheeks making her giggle i hugged my bhai and bhabhi and atlast i came near priya who is looking at me with a smile on her only her lips are smiling her eyes are not smiling i hugged her tightly even she hugged me after a minutes i left her and cupped her face and she kissed my hands i smiled and said.

KARTHIK : take care, eat properly, and miss me alot.

I said and kissed her forehead and she said.

PRIYA : you to take care, eat properly, miss me and i will be waiting for your 100.

She said i hugged her once again and left.

10 DAYS:

it has been 10 days since i left my home i am missing my priya alot she calls me daily and talk with me, but still i miss her fragrance, her touch, her shyness, her smile, her kisses, her breath on me, her pranks, her naughtiness i miss everything of hers.

Now also i am sitting and looking at her picture which i took it from her album without her notice.

My thought were broke by mahi bhai who came and sat beside me.

MAHI BHAI : cant leave without her even for a second you love her so much karthik.

KARTHIK : love no i dont love her.

MAHI BHAI : only your mind says that karthik but your heart beats only for priya, you think by yourself and you will realise how much you love her.

He said this and went out i looked at priya photo and asked myself.

KARTHIK : do i really love you.

My heart beat started beating fast i smiled with tears in my eyes recalling the best moments i had with priya  and realized how much i love her and said looking at her picture.

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