part 37

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today was the special day in my life as i confessed my love to priya and to my surprise even she proposed me.

My thoughts were broken by priya who pinched me making me shout and she asked me.

PRIYA : you did not sleep ?

I smiled at her concern and said.

KARTHIK : no i am thinking about our proposal.

I said this nuzzling my nose in her neck where as she is hugging me tightly like i am her teddy bear.

She smiled looking at me and said.

PRIYA : today is really special for us because after 2 long months we are together and we even confessed our love.

KARTHIK : i love you pondati (wife)

PRIYA : i love you da purusha (husband)

I kissed her forehead, nosetip, i bited her earlobe my hands slowly went on her waist making her shiver under my touch i started kissing every inch of her face when i was about to capture her lips she pushed me and came above me and said

PRIYA : alway you kiss me but i have kissed you less so today i will only kiss you.

Saying this she kissed my forehead her hands moved down to my chest and lifted my t shirt up and throwed it in the corner. I smirked looking at her and said

KARTHIK : so desperate ah.

Her cheeks turned red but she did not care and started kissing my chest making me shut my eyes tightly, she slowly bited my chest making me groan her name.

Her hands are on my chest and she is moving her hands, oh god her hands has some magic she slowly kissed my neck, my chin, she started biting my jawlines and gave small kisses to ease the pain but suddenly she stopped and got down and came near me and hugged me. I hugged her tightly and said

KARTHIK : we will continue this on our special night.

I wispered in her ears making her even more red she hided her face in my chest and hugged me even more tightly i caressed her hair her mobile started ringing so she got up but she did not pickup the call i asked her

KARTHIK : why are you not picking up the call ?

PRIYA : its from my flirty principal mam karthik would you like to talk, no na so shut up.

She said but i had other idea i took the phone from her hand and attended the call and put it in speaker her mam said.

FLIRTY MAM : priya why dint you say you got married.

I said.

KARTHIK : its not priya i am her husband karthik

FLIRTY MAM : oh handsome man congratulations for your win is priya their.

KARTHIK : yes beautiful mam priya is here

I said this and gave the phone to priya and she glared me i sat in the bed and made her sit on my laps she started saying how we meet everything i was busy in romancing with her.

I lifted her t shirt and made her sleep on the bed and came above her and started kissing her waist and stomach making her shiver but she is still talking with her mam so i started giving hickey on her waist where as she glared me and tried to push me but i am stronger than her so she could not push i went near her neck and started kissing her she atlast cut the call and gave me a dead glare.

PRIYA : karthik do you remember i gave punishment list and in that list i have even said if you flirt with anyone i said i will gibe you punishment right.

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