part 3

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It has been two months still his face is registered in my mind actually i am a girl who sights boy and i forget him the next second but Mr. Perfectionist is not going out of my mind which suprises me the most my thoughts were broke by my friends yeah forgot to say i am in class but i always dream.
AMBIKA : mam left but also you dont stop dreaming come out.
SHIVANI : may be she is dreaming about her future hubby and planning to have kids.
Oh god shivani is always back of kids yes i even said her she can try to have a kid as she has a boyfriend his name is krishna but she ask us to get married soon and say to give her a baby, she is mad for baby. My all friend are committed except me and my one more friend
Ambika - anand
Shivani - krishna
Mythrayee - aaryan
Swetha - Joseph
Gayathri - aditya
Only me and ramya are single for now in this two months swetha, gayathri and ramya has become our close friends now in our gang we are of 7 people we talk all the things we share everything with each other. Swetha is a girl who is fun, loving like me, gayathri is littoe silent ramya is very friendly type so in our gang we all are different but besties. We do all prank together. But all jave boyfriend and all will be dreaming about them but me and ramya will be like this people are made but i have met my friends boyfriends all are very good anand is a wicket keeper in indian cricket team, krishna is doing CA, Aaryan is doing CMA, joseph is a football player, adiya is doing CS all their boyfriend are in a good position and are very good by their character. My thoughts were broken by swe actually her name is swetha i call her swe
SWE : what are you thinking ?
I shrugged my shoulders
AMBIKA : priyu you never fell for anyone or you never sighted a guy.
ME : of course i sight many guy but cant remember them but their is one guy who i saw 2 months back but still i cant forget him i dont know why his face is registered in my mind his name is karthik but i kept a name for him it is Mr. Perfectionist.
SHIVANI : may be you are destined to be his.
MYTHRAYEE: you forget every guy than how can you remember him
RAMYA : Ya may be he the one for you.
SHIVANI : ya priyu just find him soon get married to him and give me babies.
GAYATHRI: he is not in your mind he is in your heart.
ME : shut up guy i dont believe in this destiny and all so stop this topic here itself.
(priyu is my pet name kept by my friends)
I forget to mention i am the college pupil leader which is know as student body president of the college. So i am in principal room now just than someone entered the room seeing the person i was shocked

It has been 2 freaking month after seeing her but also her face is registered in my mind i thought that i will forget her once the match start but also she is not leaving from my mind what can i do whenever i close my eyes her big doe eyes is only visible my thought where broke by mahi bhai
MAHI : hey karthik are you ready for to go to your hometown after a month and with success?
ME : yes bhai getting ready. I said and avoided eye contact with him. Mahi bhai is one person who understands me well more than anyone he and sakshi are like bhai and bhabhi for me they always treat me as their child mahi bhai always gives me advice in cricket as well as in life. Now mahi bhai asked me what happened.
MAHI BHAI : what happened karthik you are looking down from past 1 month. I said him everything what happened 2 months before he laughed at me and said.
MAHI BHAI : so this is your problem that your Ms. Fairy is not letting you sit calm.
I gave a death glare to him where as he was smiling looking at me.
but the next question he asked shocked me.
MAHI BHAI: did u fall in love with her.
ME : bhai are you mad how can i fall in love with a girl who is completely a stranger she is just in my mind that all bhai.
MAHI BHAI : she is not in your mind she is in your heart karthik anyways you will not understand lets go its getting late you should go to chennai after all we won the test series. I nodded yes we won the test series which was really very difficult but my team always support me which mades us achieve this.
Soon i landed chennai and now it has been 10 days i have come to chennai now i am going to a girls college as the principal of the college has invited me.
I was feeling different like something good is going to happen i parked my car and went to the principal room and knocked the door when i opened the door i saw someone sitting seeing her i was shocked.

i was shocked seeing the person it was none other than Mr. Perfectionist i mean my karthik ah priyu again you said my now shut up and talk to him politely. So i stood and asked him
ME : hello sir how can i help you?
KARTHIK: i want to meet your mam.
ME : do you have an appointment?
ME: sir than you should wait for half a hour as mam is having lunch and you should give your details sir.
I said him he nodded his head i went and took the book actually it a book in which we fill if there is any new guest in our college. Now i have to fill this
ME : sir your name ?
He looked at me shocked omg he looks hot when he is shocked also but wait did i ask something wrong then he recovered and answered.
KARTHIK : my name karthik chander.
I wrote the time he entered i asked him he profession.
ME : sir what is your profession ?
He again gave me a shocked look while i was like why he is always giving me this look but the next thing what he said made me shock.
KARTHIK: you are asking my profession all in the world know my profession.
Where as i gave a confused look at him may be he understood my reaction and said which made me shock to the hell.
KARTHIK : i am the CAPTAIN OF INDIAN CRICKET TEAM. He said smriking at me where as i was shocked like a hell.
I am a girl who is not found of cricket much but i do see but i could not identify him because he wear the helmet so how can i see his face. I could not say anything.
ME : i am really very sorry sir.
KARTHIK : so you dont see cricket?
He asked me with a smirk where as i was stammering
ME :i do but i see only the last over that to i see if india is in the chance of winning and i could not identify because you all alway were helmet in your head.
He was confused and asked
KARTHIK: but while fielding we dont wear helmet.
ME : but they dont show your face properly.
I said this he smiled looking at him then i said him
ME : congratulations sir you won the test series. I said he smiled which made my smile wider and i said to go and meet principal mam.
ME : sir you can go and meet principal mam.
He nodded and started going before he open the door of principal mam he asked me.
KARTHIK: Ms. College president what is your name?
He asked i was horrified is he going to complain mam that i did not know him he saw my expression and understood and said.
KARTHIK : hey dont worry i wont say to your mam i am just asking you. I smiled in relief and said
ME : priya sir
He smiled and said.
KARTHIK : Ms. priya i will fulfill your suggestion
ME : What suggestion sir
KARTHIK : that you could not see my face due to helmet. I smiled in return looking at him and again he said.
KARTHIK : for that you should see my match that to when i score 50 and 100 i will show my face to the camera. Where as i smiled and said
ME : i am waiting sir. He smiled and went to meet mam.
I am a stupid i mean i dont see cricket alot so i dont even know who all are their in cricket team i know only some that is MSD, raina and virat i knoe hardhik and rahul because they came in koffee with karan or i dont know anyone and i dont use social media so i dont fall or see any cricket memes.
After sometime he left Mr. Perfectionist and even i left home had dinner and came to my room and  i was thinking about him how hot he was in his white shirt and blue faded jean he tucked in his shirt he was really a greek god i dont know how he understand my reactions i mean he understands everything about me uff priyu stop thinking about him i said and i slept.

That all for today this is the second meet of the hero and heroine if there is any mistakes sorry please comment and vote and thank you for the comments and votes for the previous chapters.

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