part 38

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i gotup and saw the best thing in my life my husband who is hugging me tightly and sleeping aww i love the way he sleep i am seeing him sleeping after a long 2 months but i should play some prank on him wait let me think.

I took some grass near the lake and went near karthik and put the grass inside his nose making him sneeze and he gotup immediately making me roll on the floor in laughter and he gave me a dead glare and pulled me by my waist and took the grass from my hand and put it in my nose making me sneeze idiot i gave him a dead glare whipe rubbing my nose i giggled and said.

PRIYA : good morning da purusha (husband) i think this is your best morning right.

I said he gave me a dead glare and said

KARTHIK : no this is my worst morning, do any wife wake their husband like this but you do.

I giggled at his complaint and said him.

PRIYA : karthik tonight we have flight lets go and get ready.

He pulled me more closer to him and wispered in my ears

KARTHIK : why so soon we did not go for honeymoon also so atleast lets enjoy today, And about the flight i cancelled it yesterday night and booked ticket after a week and dont worry about your college yesterday i said to your flirty principal mam.

I gave him a shocked look but before i ask he said me by understanding my looks.

KARTHIK : i talked to your mam after you slept because she called again so i asked permission from her and she said okay so now cool and enjoy this week with me.

PRIYA : dont say me that this is our honeymoon.

KARTHIK : no no honeymoon is for 1 month this is our mini honeymoon.

I smiled he hugged me from back and i sat on his laps and we were looking at the beautiful sight before us.

its has been 3 days since we are roaming in london, tomorrow it is karthik birthday tonight their is a surprise party from his teammates and me and i am going to give him one more big surprise which he will be really shocked.

I got ready in red saree which karthik gifted me on his birthday and he got ready in white shirt blue jeans oh god my husband is really hot i feel like kissing him like their is no tomorrow.

My thoughts were broke by karthik who back hugged me and wispered in my ears huskily

KARTHIK : i feel like kissing you like their is no tomorrow.

I blushed and he asked

KARTHIK : should we go for the party.

PRIYA : yes karthik because this party is for your win.

Yes we lied karthik that this party is for his win in the match.

KARTHIK : seeing you in saree i dont feel like going to party instead of that we can be in room.

I understood his intention but i acted like i did not understand.

PRIYA : what will we do in the room karthik.

He did not say anything soon we went and party started it was going to be 12 so i took him out and placed my lips on his my hands went on his hairs and his hands on my waist i broke the kiss in a minutes and he groaned because i broke and saw the time it was 12 and i wished.

PRIYA : happy birthday karthik.

He was really surprised seeing me and just than he remembered its his birthday and he said.

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