part 48

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it has been 2 months since our long honeymoon, we covered europe fully and came to india and went to kullu, manali, shimla, Darjeeling etc and enjoyed our honeymoon creating more memories.


i finished my college with good percentage and i opened my own CA firm and working.

I dont know how 2 years flew away, karthik always support me like no one can do, bhabhi gave birth to one more girl child her name is sahana.

Shreya is going to get married after a year, her fiance and shreya decided to get married after they get settled which made me and karthik proud shreya is going to finish her studies and soon she will get married next year. Karthik is still the caption of indian cricket team, his achievement has been increased because of me😉😉.

I suddenly started crying as i am missing my karthik just than karthik entered the room, saw me crying and asked me.

KARTHIK : what happened priya why are you crying

i sobbed and said him cutely

PRIYA : i was missing you

He looked at me with a shocked expression and checked my temperature i glared at him and he said.

KARTHIK : i went out only for 5 minutes are you okay priya nowadays you are behaving weirdly.

I nodded my head and said

PRIYA : i am okay why will i have problems.

he sighed and said

KARTHIK : come lets sleep

I nodded my head and slept on his chest like a baby.

I gotup suddenly and saw the time it was 2 AM i am feeling hungry i looked at karthik who is sleeping peacefully so without disturbing him i went to kitchen and i am thinking what to eat suddenly i felt to arms on my waist and i got to know it was none other than karthik and he asked me.

KARTHIK : what are you doing here priya.

I pouted and said

PRIYA : i am feeling hungry i want eat something spicy.

KARTHIK : okay say what you want i will cook for you.

I smiled kissed his cheeks and asked him to do maggi he nodded and started chopping the veggies suddenly he asked me which made me shock

KARTHIK : priya when is your date for menstrual cycle.

I started thinking and said

PRIYA : on 1st karthik

KARTHIK : you know what is today's date it is 28th, so by your weird behaviour i think you are pregnant.

I smiled happily and asked him

PRIYA : really

he nodded and said

KARTHIK : i will buy pregnancy kit and you check it.

I nodded he kissed my forehead and bended and kissed my stomach making me smile seeing his love for our unborn baby.

I looked at my husband who is cooking maggi with lots of love i smiled seeing him

I looked at my husband who is cooking maggi with lots of love i smiled seeing him

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