part 13

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class got over when i was about to go i got a message from Mr. Perfectionist.

KARTHIK : hey will you come with me for a cup of coffee ?

I smiled reading his message i looked at him who was looking at me and nodded my head he again started typing.

KARTHIK : okay then wait near your house we will go.

I nodded looking at him and went to my house, he came and he opened the door for me like a gentleman i smiled at him.

We started to drive i looked at him i dont know why i love to admire him, his black eyes, his sharp nose, his sharp jawline, his perfect lips he is looking so cute i must really say our kids will be really cute, i blushed thinking about our kids, uff priya control yourself, i thought and looked at him who was smirking at me and asked.

KARTHIK : finished checking out me.

I dont know what to say i was feeling shy i got caught so i changed the topic and asked

PRIYA : where are we going ?

KARTHIK : surprise.

PRIYA : bahu i have a doubt i mean you are a celebrity you cant go out easily right i like to go to mall you cant come like that right.

Karthik gave me a dead glare for calling him as bahu but replied.

KARTHIK : ya i love to come out but i cant come because i am a celebrity, i have a wish if god ask me a wish i will ask him that no one should see me as a celebrity for 1 month, in that one month i will enjoy alot. I love to ride bike without helmet but i cant do that because i am an celebrity.

He said this with a little sadness but then he continued

KARTHIK : but i love to be a celebrity because the way our fans support us it gives us more strength and the way our fans love us no one can love us that much so i am proud to be a celebrity.

He said i smiled and said.

PRIYA : and i am proud of you bahu.

I said this a giggled but what he did next made me shock he stopped the car and pulled me towards him i was totally on him his hands were on my waist my hands were clutching his shirt tightly he came really close to me his lips were really close to mine and he said.

KARTHIK : if one more time you call me bahu i will not be saying anything but i will shut your mouth in that way you will never open your mouth after that.

He said everything looking at my lips, i gulped looking at him and said.

PRIYA : karthik please sorry

I said slowly hiding my blush from him where as he left me and started the car after this incident i did not open my mouth because i was feeling shy where as karthik was enjoying my reactions and he bursted into laughter i gave him a dead glare he said

KARTHIK : oh my god priya you look really like a wild cat.

I gave him a dead glare and he stopped the car it was a really good coffee shop outskirts of the city.

We took a seat and ordered our coffee, he started speaking

KARTHIK : we dont know anything about each other i mean like hobbies, your likes and dislikes etc.

Ya whatever he said is true we dont know anything about each other so i asked him

PRIYA : ya thats true so tell me about your likes and dislikes.

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