part 32

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I am feeling bored because karthik has went for practice and my college starts after 2 days only.

I started seeing my favorite cartoon shinchan, i was so into the tv that i did not know when karthik came, he slowly came like a cat and came above me and placed his lips on me.

First i got scared but than i understood it is karthik and kissed him back with same passion after sometime we broke the kiss and i asked excitedly looking at karthik

PRIYA : you came so soon ?

KARTHIK : yes because i thought my beautiful wife will be missing me so i came soon.

I hugged him tightly and kissed his forehead and he said

KARTHIK : come let's see some movie.

I sat in between in legs and he back hugged me and we started seeing the movie, in the movie their was a scene in which a girl is pregnant and she is suffering in pain due to pregency, i looked at karthik and said.

PRIYA : karthik i dont wont to get pregnant because i cant bear pain.

Karthik looked at me with a shocked expression i suppressed my laughter and said

PRIYA : instead of me you get pregnant, what you say.

I looked at him who is seeing me with horrified expression i controlled my laughter and said.

PRIYA : if you get pregnant na you will be with me for atleast 10 months and our name will come in guinness world record.

You are already famous and you will become more famous if you get pregnant.

I said he could not even talk i could not control my laughter so i bited my lips hardly.

KARTHIK : priya are you out of your sense how can i get pregnant are you mad or what wait i will call mental hospital and say my wife is gone mad.

He said with tension and scared i could not control my laughter but i tried hard and said

PRIYA : karthik their will be a way to make you pregnant and i will research about this in net and we will find some solution.

I took my mobile and was about to type he took my mobile and throwed it and said

KARTHIK : hey are you mad or what boys cant be pregnant okay.

He said with a horrified expression i bursted into laughter as i could not control my laughter more than this where as he is still shocked and looked at me like what the hell happened to you i pulled his cheeks and said.

PRIYA : aww karthik you look so cute when you are horrified i was just joking i know boys cant be pregnant i wanted to play a prank on you so i did this prank but it was worth watching your expression oh my god i still cant control my laughter you look so cute when you are been pranked.

I said and giggled, he was shocked when he got to know it was my prank and said.

KARTHIK : priya i am not going to leave you.

Saying this he started tickling me where as i was giggling like a hell after sometime he stopped and i said.

PRIYA : karthik what if it become real?

KARTHIK : what real

PRIYA : what if the prank become real.

KARTHIK : you will be dead from my hands.


Sleep is far away from my eyes i looked at karthik who is sleeping like a donkey while hugging me.

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