part 24

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It has been 15 days, i am missing my smart wild fairy alot she calls me daily in morning and wishes me all the best and gives kisses over phone which make me smile, i miss her juicy lips alot, i miss her hug, i miss her fragrance, i know she misses me badly but when she talks with me she hides it, so that i can focus on my match she is just a sweetheart

tomorrow i am going to chennai but i did not say her because i want to give her a surprise.

Last match we did not win, she motivated me and my teammate's and supported us, i sometimes think how can a girl be down to earth, she always support us, she appriciate us when we played well.

Now my teammates are brothers for her, nowaday they are talking with her more than me she is a girl who can easily mingle with others and yesterday she supported my team which made me proud to get a wife like her.

My thoughts were broken by call it is none other than priya.

PRIYA : good morning Mr. Perfect bahu.

God i dont know when she is going to stoo calling this bahu

KARTHIK : good morning Ms. Smart wild fairy cat, why dont you keep a different pet name for me.

PRIYA : okay wait let me think, okay from now i will call you SWAMI because in some language swami means HUSBAND.

God again this girl is giving weird names for me

KARTHIK : why dont you call me baby, handsome something like that instead that bahu and swami.

PRIYA : you know what my aunt said we should give respect to husband so only i am calling you Swami.

She said this with a innocent look OMG i want to see her expression i miss her badly and this girl is eating my brain in morning itself.

KARTHIK : i cant change weird fairy so keep what ever name you want.

PRIYA : Okay swami bahu all the best for todays match i will be waiting for you 50 or 100.

I smiled listening her weird names and said

KARTHIK : okay my dear smart wild fairy cat.

She said bye and i got ready for today's match.


it has been 15 days without him, i do see him in TV but also i miss him alot.

In all the match he showed his face to the screen and he was giving a funny expression god he is really mad, i dont know how i am going to bear his maddness throughout my life but he is my sweetheart.

I miss him alot i dont know when he is coming to chennai, only 20 days are left for our marriage so i am busy in shopping, i wish he was their when i shop.

Now i am sitting before the tv and seeing the match, he is going to play as virat is out, he showed his face with a million dollar smile to camera as he scored 100 and winked at the camera got its so embarrassing as even my parents are sitting and seeing the match with me, they looked at me i gave them a expressionless face but inside i was dancing like a hell atlast india won the match, i smiled happily.



i reached chennai airport and asked my brother to pickup me after he came i smiled and hugged him and we left to our house, i hugged everyone and said

KARTHIK : i missed you all alot.

But my devil started to pull my legs

DEVIL : you missed us or priya

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