part 16

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she is really cute when she blushes i cant stop myself whenever i see her i always want to pull her close and kiss her like their is no tomorrow, yeah it has been only few days but she has some magic which always bring me closer to her, the way she respect my parents, my family, and today when she gave chocolate to my brother to give to my bhabhi i just fell for her helping nature, she understands the situation, yesterday i forgot to say her but she understood rather than shouting at me. She is perfect in everything except in one when she call me bahu i like the way she calls even after my warning she keeps on calling me bahu. Only 10 days left for our engagement but we are like a married couple i mean we are comfortable, close, understanding etc.

My thoughts were broke by her who is dragging me to toys section, she is showing me the toys and asking me whereas i was admiring her.

PRIYA : is this soft toy nice or should i buy a barbie doll.

She asked i looked at her confusingly and said.

KARTHIK : priya now only our bhabhi is 3 months pregnant so no need to buy toys for unborn baby as we dont even know its boy or girl.

She hit her forehead oh my god she is damn cute i feel like kissing her, contol karthik.

PRIYA : oh this is for my little angel not for the cutie who is inside bhabhi.

She said i know she loves ahana alot so i selected a barbie doll set whereas even she nodded like a kid, she was totally a kid in toys section.
My thoughts were broke by a hot girl who was wearing a knee length drees with a flirty look over me she asked.

GIRL : OMG you are the indian cricket team captain right, my name is riya, i am your biggest fan.

She said and shakehands with me she was really flirting with me where as i saw priya who gave a dead glare to her, i smiled seeing priya.

RIYA : i heard that you dont have a girlfriend, so why dont we date.

She asked me directly i hate this type of flirty talks and the one who ask directly before i was about to say something priya came close to me and nugged me saying she wants to go out, riya looked at her disgusting and said her.

RIYA : hey dont you have manner when i am talking to him why the hell are you coming between us, and do you think you can be his girlfriend, you can never be his servant also so shut up and get lost.

She shouted at priya just than my family also came priya was looking at the girl with anger before i could shout at her, priya shouted at her.

PRIYA : oh madam see your face before you flirt you look like a witch who will date with a witch like you and one more thing dont go out at late night if someone sees you they will think you are a ghost and run away, do me a favour  please take a picture of you and send it to me so that i will keep it infornt of my house, so that no evil will come inside seeing your picture, if i see you somewhere flirting with someone i will cut your tongue after that you can never talk and even you cant talk ill about others, now get lost from my sight before i kill you from my own hands.

She completed i suppressed my laughter even my family are suppressing their laughter i saw riya who was shocked and ran away from our sight which made me burst into laughter seeing me my family also started laughing i was rolling on the floor and laughing holding my stomach i looked at priya and started laughing more she gave me a dead glare and i said.

KARTHIK : i thought after whatever she say you will cry but i was shocked when you where angry and when you shouted at her it was the amazing part i could not control my laughter i think i kept your name correctly.

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