part 23

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she make all my days best, from the moment is entered into my life still now she had made each and everyday special for me, the way she is, the way her pranks are, the way she behaves with everyone, everything is special in her.

I have never been close to any girl except shreya and my mother and i am not a guy who mingles easily with girls but Ms. Fairy has some magic which always make me close to her, i always want to kiss her, i dont know why but she is a magic to me.

Tonight i am leaving to delhi so i am packing my bags i cannot meet her today because i have to pack, i think she is in college as she did not even reply for my message but i miss her, i thought that she will come today to help me but even her college is important.

My thoughts were broke by a knock on the door, i opened the door i was shocked to see her who is giving me a million dollar smile my smile wided and i hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead and said

KARTHIK : i thought you wont come today, thank alot for coming.

I said she broke the hug and glared at me i raised my eyebrows and asked her what but what she said made me smile.

PRIYA : no sorry no thank you between husband and wife.

I smiled and kissed her cheeks which made her giggle and looked at my bag and saw it with a horrified look and asked

PRIYA : what is hell is this

She asked looking at the bag which i packed and i said

KARTHIK : this is know as packing dont you know this also so sad.

And she replied glaring at me

PRIYA : you are asking me see yourself how you packed it like a garbage karthik, you have dumped all the clothes oh god karthik do you pack like this only all the time.

She asked and i replied

KARTHIK : no everytime bhabhi only packs my luggages but this time she is pregnant so only i am packing.

I said rubbing my neck and she smiled and said.

PRIYA : take everything out i will pack for you.

Okay i said and started helping her now she started packing i was sitting idle so i slowly went behind her and hugged her from back i slowly put my hand inside her yellow short top and i started caressing her waist and stomach where as she was wriggling in my arms, i moved her hairs in one side and started kissing her neck making her moan my name, i love the way she moan my name in her sexy voice i was kissing her shoulder and her neck making her weak she was melting in my arms my kisses affect her alot i slowly bited her neck which made her break the moment she turned and scolded me.

PRIYA : hey dont bite my neck if someone see hickey in my neck it will become a big problem and we still did not get married so dont give me hickey.

I nodded my head like a baby and she said

PRIYA : i cant even be angry with you for 2 minutes also.

I smiled and hugged her and said

KARTHIK : oh my god how i am going to leave without you for 15 days, i will miss your fragrance, i will miss your soft skin, i will miss your lips, i will miss kissing you, i will miss your big doe eyes, i will miss your juicy lips, i will miss you totally.

She smiled and captured my lips and started kissing me wildly i did not resprocate as i want her to kiss me today she was slowly sucking my lips like a nector, her hands were running on my hairs my hands were on her waist and i started caressing her waist which made her moan she was pecking my lips second by second she did not want to stop kissing me nor even i dont wont her to stop she was giving numerous kisses on my lips and near my lips after some 20 mintues she peft my lips when she left i captured her lips and started kissing her passionately making her eyes wide i did not allow her to respond my kiss even i kissed like her pecking her lips numerous times and after some 20 mintues i broke her cheeks were dark red which made me happy.

I pecked her lips she smiled and started packing after 1 hour we finished packing now we are really tired as yesterday night we did not sleep and today packing which made us tired.

So we settled in bed but i got a idea i took my childhood albums and started showing her my childhood pics and her comments were.

PRIYA : wow karthik you look cute i am damn sure even our children will look cute.

I smiled hearing her comments and i started showing her some videos when i was child than some teen video with my devil and brother.

And their was a video in which i used to steal devil' s chocolate and she used to cry for chocolate and my mother used to scold her for eating chocolate.

After seeing this video priya looked at me suprisingly and asked.

PRIYA : do you do this things now also.

I nodded she bursted into laughter she could not control her laughter seeing the video where as i gave her a dead glare for laughing but she was laughing like a hell seeing the video i sighed and she asked.

PRIYA : does shreya know this.

KARTHIK : yes she used to complain mom but mom never believed her so she used to scold shreya for eating chocolate and asking more chocolate.

PRIYA : seriously i cant believe you did that.

She said this and again started laughing, i kissed her to make her stop from laughing were as even she resprocated my kiss our kiss lasted upto 20 minutes after that we again started packing my dress and my other valid stuffs for my journey.

It was 6 P.M my flight is at 8P.M so i have to leave in half a hour. I looked at her who became dull i know she is going to miss me like a hell i went near her and hugged her and kissed her forehead and said.

KARTHIK : just 1 month more after that i am all your priya, take care, study well my smart wild cat i am really going to miss my smart fairy wild cat.

She smiled and hugged me and started crying we have become this close that we cant even leave without each other my thoughts were broke by her and she said.

PRIYA : you should win the match and make india proud Mr. Cricketer as my cricketer is always perfect in everything like Mr. Perfectionist, and ya i will be waiting for your turn in match that to mainpy when you hit 50 or 100, all the best and come back soon as your smart fairy wild cat cant leave without you.

She said i smiled and kissed her forehead where as she took my both the hands in her hands and kissed my both the hands and she stood in her toe and kissed my forehead which made me smile wide.

Soon i said bye to my family and to her and left to airport now i am sitting in flight and thinking about her the way she kissed my hands made me smile as she gave boost to my hands by her kiss and when she kissed my forehead it was like she is saying me to take care of myself.

Oh my god my smart fairy wild cat has made so many changes in my life which i have never imagined.

Thats all for today i know this update was not upto your expectations, i am sorry if thier is any mistake.

Tomorrow i will not update but thursday i will try to give 2 updates, thank you all for your votes and comments for my previous parts pkease do vote and comment for this part.

user45580528 saisudharani shreny_shriya ManuRohilla Preethikasuresh Shivaniaruna vallidivya KirubaShanthini Manu_ak

Thank you so much for your love for this book, your comments and votes means alot to me.If i left someone sorry.

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