part 44

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karthik was sleeping like a donkey i went near him and smiled evilly at him and went to kitchen, brought some ice cube i went near him and took the blanket from him and i lifted his pant and put the ice cube in his pant and giggled i sat beside him and i was slowly waiting for him to feel the chillness of the ice after 2 minutes he gotup with a sudden jerk and i bursted into laughter seeing his shocked face he immediately got up and started jumping as he was feeling cold i could not control my laughter.

I took my phone and started taking the video of karthik who is struggling with the ice i giggled seeing him and he shouted.

KARTHIK : here i am suffering and you are laughing seeing my conditions na wait and watch what i will do.

Saying this he took ice from the ice tray and started coming near making making me run here and there he started chasing me and i am standing on the bed and i shouted

PRIYA : no no karthik you are not going to do that see karthik you did not getup so i did like this but you are not going to do the same thing okay.

He did not say anything and he caught my hands tightly and he said.

KARTHIK : you should have thinked before doing now you are caught and you cant escape from me.

He pushed me on the bed and came above me and he removed my top and throwed it somewhere he took the ice cube and he started tracing the cube from my forehead till my stomach making me close my eyes tightly he took another cube and placed it on my lips and he moved the cube on my lips.

He moved the cube on my neck making me go insane by his love torture he moved the cube on my mid neck i coupd not control myself i pulled him closer to me and placed my lips on his i took the ice cube from his hands and pushed him on the bed without breaking our kiss i nibbled his upper lips he sucked my lower lips making me go crazy his hands were on my back my hands were on his neck i smooched his lips passionately after 10 minutes i broke the kiss and removed his T shirt and placed the ice cube on his chest and started tracing the cube on his chest making him go crazy i traced the ice cube from his chest till his toe and i again started tracing the cube from his forehead till his toe i made me turn and traced the cube on his back making him clutch the pillow tightly.

He pushed me and came above me and took the ice cube from my hands and started tracing it from my shoulders till my fingers making me close my eyes tightly he slowly traced the ice on my waist and started tracing the ice on my bare back.

He slowly traced the ice from my legs till my toes making my toes curl by his action. Soon the ice got over because of our ice romance he came above me and started giving me kisses i pushed him and said.

PRIYA : karthik its morning so no romance

KARTHIK : unromantic wife

I glared at him and he again started kissing my shoulders and started biting my shoulders making me go crazy but i should stop him but he is not letting me stop him so i sighed as i cant stop him after some hours of lovemaking session he said.

KARTHIK : oh god priya its 10 o clock i am late.

PRIYA : oh my god today i did not go to college its all because of you karthik, i said you to stop but you did not listen see because of you i did not go to college.

KARTHIK : it was not because of me it was because of you, you only started

PRIYA : idiot you only started romancing with the ice cube.

KARTHIK : no its because of you.

PRIYA : no because of you.


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