part 20 (engagement part 2)

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oh my god i cant believe i got engaged with a cricketer, but it is fun my thoughts were broke by mahi bhai who is anchoring.

MAHI BHAI : so as the engagement is over now its time for some fun, dance and party.

He said i smiled all the cricketer came on stage including karthik i thought they are going  to dance on chak de india but they dance on swag se swagat they all danced really well i must admit it and next anushka and virat danced on ainvayi ainvayi. I loved their dance as it was naughty and with love i enjoyed their performance alot but what next mahi bhai said shocked me.

MAHI BHAI : now the engaged couple are going to perform.

What the hell how can i dance before everyone that to with him oh god please save me i looked at karthik who looked at me with a smirk on his face i wish i can wipe that smirk from his face but i cant so we came on stage i dont wont any romantic song i want a naughty song which will be fun to dance the song which played made me smile so me and karthik started dancing for dilli wali girlfriend.

( The same dance step both danced together )

After our dance we all went to eat our dinner, in dinning table my family was sitting left side i was sitting in center with karthik and karthik family and team was sitting in right side.

Karthik cousin and my cousin asked us to feed each other, i was really happy when they said to feed me yes because i hate sweet and they gave me sweets so i will feed this to him because i cant eat it simple so i fed him first the sweet he ate it like a good boy and he was ready to feed me i had a naughty plan he feed me i bited his fingers, he gave a dead glare where as i smiled looking at him with a winning smile.

Soon we finished eating dinner i was going to my room when a waiter came and gave me a letter, i opened the letter and read.

" Only in night i used to see the moon but now i can see moon in night as well as in morning from the day i saw you "

I looked at the waiter and asked who gave this he said he dont knows again a small boy came and gave a letter to me which made me smile, i took the letter and started reading it.

" I have seen stars shining but for the first time i am seeing my eyes shining when i see you "

A small girl came and gave be a bunch of roses and a letter and went i again starred reading the letter.

" I love the fragrance of rose but nowadays i am loving the fragrance of your "

After reading this i could not control my blush i know karthik is doing this but i dont know where he is just than the waiter came and said me to go to terrace.

I went to terrace which is decorated beautifully i was mesmerized by the sight before me.

I went to terrace which is decorated beautifully i was mesmerized by the sight before me

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