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Sorry guys i could not update for the past few days, i hope all are safe.

Thank you all for your votes and lovely comments.


i was sitting sadly and looking at my phone wallpaper, my karu oh god i miss him alot, suddenly ved and tara came and asked me

TARA : mumma are you taking selfie without me.

She asked in her baby bossy voice. I nodded as no and said them

PRIYA : nowadays your papa is not even looking at me, i think he stopped loving me.

I said ved hit his head with his hands and he said.

VED : oh mumma again you started your drama papa is little busy thats why he is not looking at you, he loves you alot more than me and tara.

He said i pouted and said

PRIYA : if he is busy than he should not be talking to you both also, he talks with you both.

Tara suddenly shouted which made me and ved startled

TARA : idea! Mumma you have doubt na whether papa loves you or not better you test him.

I smiled brightly and hugged tara for giving such an idea where as ved rolled his eyes.

PRIYA : how will i test him.

Ved was thinking for a minute and said

VED : mumma act like falling before papa if he loves you he wont let you fall.

I smiled like a hell and hugged ved and tara tightly.

TARA : okay mumma papa is coming be ready.

I nodded and got ready both ved and tara were hiding behind the screen i giggled karthik was coming towards my direction.

I acted like falling karthik caught me i smiled looking at him he smiled looking at him, suddenly i felt like someone is pinching me i looked up it was karthik.

I was not in his arms i was standing that means i was dreaming like falling and him catching me.

karthik shook me and asked me

KARTHIK : priya are you okay, i am calling you from past five minutes but you where day dreaming about something and smiling.

I glared at karthik and now i really acted like falling i was waiting for him to catch me but i ended up falling in his feet, karthik was looking at me with amused face and said

KARTHIK : priya you know i dont like you touching my feet than why are you touching my feet.

I got really angry i gotup with great difficulty he did not even lift me god why do i have such a dumbo husband.

PRIYA : i was about to fall instead of catching me you were looking at him after i fell instead of asking me did i get hurt you asked why i am touching your feet, you are such an stupid husband.

I said this and left where as karthik was looking at me with a confused face.

I came out ved and tara followed me, i said them

PRIYA : see i said na your father love faded for me.

I said this and both ved and tara were giggling.


me, ved bhai, ahana didi and sahana didi were sitting and discussing deeply, i said

TARA : Mumma is very upset, i dont know what to do.

SAHANA DIDI : don't worry princess chacha loves chachi alot he was not having any clue that chachi was going to fall it happened suddenly so only chacha could not catch chachi.

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